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Transcription de la présentation:

Réunion service Instrumentation Activités CMS-Traces Nick Lumb Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon 12/10/2017

Previous splitting of disk into Dees Upper Dee: modules start and end on Z+ side Lower Dee: modules start and end on Z- side Nice straight edge along which disk can be split Note that there are more modules on upper Dee than on lower → bad for power balancing

Circuits de refroidissement Circuits distribués dans 7 secteurs Chaque circuit et différent! Mais aussi pour le Dee inférieur → 14 circuits différents par disque 4 différent types de disque → 56 différents circuits!

Cost impact Latest pipes from Minitubes Gluing inserts onto pipes 2.20 x 1.95mm diameter Raw tube: €54.40/m Bending 2x sector 1 + 2x sector 2: €2,200 Tooling per sector: €3950 Gluing inserts onto pipes 1x jig sector 2: €3980 Large jigs for final Dee curing Per Dee type: one jig each side of Dee (jigs different) 4 Dee types / double disk type in old layout → 8 per TEDD 16 different jigs in total Multiplying the numbers in red by 56 gives pause for thought!

Il nous convient de rendre les deux Dees identiques (sans changer le disposition de base des modules silicium)

Identical paths S1/S3 and S4/S8 (orange) At the Dee interface, the problem of routing between C-foams is different than at φ=90, and the paths deviate in these regions But same bending jig could be used for all 4 sectors → two jigs per disk!

Note: now only 4 return pipes per disk with ‘free’ path Reduced overlap between S3/S4 reduces maximum pipe length from 7.08m to 6,71m Note: now only 4 return pipes per disk with ‘free’ path Odd rings #mods PS #mods 2S Power (W) L_CAD S1 12 16,5 184 6,60 S2 14 15 192 6,71 S3 6,61 S4 S5 S6

TEDD_1: all cooling loops Odd + Even disks

Summary table → ~2 → 8 → 6,71 Original model Basic identical Dees model Optimised identical Dees model No. of circuits per Dee 7 6 No. of circuit types per Dee 3 Bending jig types (1 TEDD) 56 28 12 Gluing jig types (1 TEDD) Full Dee jig types (1 TEDD) 16 8 4 Max. power on one circuit (W) 176 195 192 Max. circuit length (m) 7,47 8,15 7,08 → ~2 → 8 → 6,71

Proto 2-secteurs #2 Collage inserts (IPNL) Assemblage final (Workshape) demain