Passé composé the –ed past tense in French


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Transcription de la présentation:

Passé composé the –ed past tense in French The rules of Passé composé: You take the subject: Je, il, le médecin, le chien….. Add a form of AVOIR to match j’ai nous avons tu as vous avez il, elle a ils, elles ont

Then add the past participle The past participle is the –ed form of the verb in French: If the verb ends in –er as an infinitive, take off the “er” and add é. Examples, you ask? parler = parlé manger = mangé respirer = respiré acheter = acheté jouer= joué avaler = avalé

Past participle of –ir verbs If the verb ends in –ir as an infinitive, take off the “ir” and add i. So, what the heck do you mean? finir = fini choisir = choisi If the verb ends in –re as an infinitive, take off the “re” and add u. So... vendre = vendu répondre = répondu perdre = perdu descendre=descendu

So, to say things in the past… Subject + Conjugated Avoir + Past participle (sujet +avoir conjugé + participe passé) I ate = S + A + P.P. Je + ai + manger é mangé J’ai mangé

I ate I have eaten I did eat J’ai mangé I ate I have eaten I did eat

Let’s review Avoir First! Play avoir stair

Now, let’s try the passé composé Play passé composé stair here