Making Sentences Negative in French


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Transcription de la présentation:

Making Sentences Negative in French

Making Sentences Negative The process of making any sentence negative in French is very simple. You must simply place the short words ne and pas around the verb. If the verb begins with a vowel or vowel sound, the ne becomes n’.

Making Sentences Negative Examples: Je suis petit. (“I am short.”) Je ne suis pas petit. (“I am not short.”) Tu es sportive. (“You are athletic.”) Tu n’es pas sportive. (“You are not athletic.”) Il est grand. / Il n’est pas grand. Elle est mexicaine. / Elle n’est pas mexicaine.

Making Sentences Negative More Examples: Je suis blonde. / Je ne suis pas blonde. La femme est sympa. / La femme n’est pas sympa. L’homme est amusant. / L’homme n’est pas amusant. Tu es méchante. / Tu n’es pas méchante. Elle est américaine. / Elle n’est pas américaine.

Your turn to practice with a partner Your turn to practice with a partner. Tell each other 3 adjectives you are not. “Je ne suis pas….”

Time to practice in writing Time to practice in writing. Complete the worksheet for making sentences negative.