Let me tell you a story…. Niveau 5e - 4e preterit be + ing


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Transcription de la présentation:

Let me tell you a story…

Give words that can describe a witch

Give adjectives that can describe a witch Violent Wicked (méchant, malfaisant) Lazy Ugly Old Mischievous (malveillant)

Roald Dahl Do you know any books that he wrote?

Roald Dahl Do you know any books that he wrote? Sure, you do ! -Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG (Big Friendly Giant), 1982 (le bon gros géant) -The Witches, Dirty Beasts, Matilda, …-…

Roald Dahl Look up for some information about him. -Date of birth and death -Nationality -Type of books he wrote about.

Roald Dahl Short biography Roald Doahl ( ) was a Welsh writer. He is famous for his children’s books and for his short stories (always with unexpected endings). A short story = une nouvelle Welsh = gallois

Describe the picture

I can see five people in the picture. On the left there is an old woman and a young boy. There is a mouse next to them. On the right there are two women and a witch/monster.

Identify the main characters of « The Witches »

Listen to the summary, what do witches look like?

-Always women -Look like normal people -Even I could be a witch -Bald (wear wigs) -Claws rather than fingernails -No toes

Listen again. What is the story about?

What is the story about?

Suddenly Then/later Finally

Summary (oral) Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in England. Then he moved to Norway with his grandmother. His grandmother studied the witches and they moved to England. One day he was in a hotel and he saw witches. Later a boy, Bruno, became a mouse because the witches transformed him. They transformed the boy too. Finally the boy and the grandmother had a plan to kill the witches.

Homework Préparer un résumé à l’oral Souligner les verbes au prétérit. Entourer le verbe qui est à un temps différent. Comment se forme ce temps?

The boy, Bruno and a chambermaid. They are in a hotel

The boy, Bruno and a chambermaid. They are in a hotel

2 4 13


Correction 5. a. She was sleeping when the witch arrived. b. While the prince was sleeping, the princess was fighting against the dragon. c. The boy came in the conference room. Some time later Bruno Jenkins also entered the room.

Correction a.The prince was writing his diary when the princess arrived. b.While the boy was playing with his pet mice, the witches came in the room. c.The mice were running along the corridor when they saw a pair of shoes. d.The girl was cooking dinner while her friends were eating and (were) watching Harry Potter. Aide pour choisir les temps : While + preterit be + ing When + preterit simple