Transportation & Logistics  Transmission sell-side: Transportation company, specialized in High Value Cargo, Continental Europe  Acquisition: Transport.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Transportation & Logistics  Transmission sell-side: Transportation company, specialized in High Value Cargo, Continental Europe  Acquisition: Transport & Logistic firms with HQ in India, is looking for a Freight forwarder in continental Europe,  Acquisition: Several Transport & Logistics firms based in France are looking for peers in continental Europe Services Providers  Transmission sell-side: Executive search firm, Benelux,  Transmission sell-side: Cleaning company, France  Transmission sell-side: Publishing company, Benelux  Transmission sell-side: Funeral home, Continental Europe  Capital expansion: Communication/Advertising company, Benelux*  Acquisition: Global communication firm is looking for agencies in Europe High Tech, IT and Telecommunication  Transmission sell-side: Mobile value added services, Israel,  Capital expansion: IT Infrastructure company, France  Capital expansion: ISV Talent management start-Up, France,  Acquisition: Several IT service provider (generic and/or focusing on SAP), Continental Europe Trading Industry  Transmission sell-side: Wholesale distribution, France

Transports & Logistique  Transmission: Société de Transport, specialisée dans le transport à forte valeur ajoutée, Europe Continentale  Acquisition: Société d’origine Indienne de Transport & Logistique, est à la recherche d’un Freight forwarder en Europe continentale,  Acquisition: Plusieurs sociétés de Transport & Logistique basées en France, Allemagne et Suisse, sont à la recherche de cibles en Europe continentale Prestataire de Services aux entreprises  Transmission: Cabinet de recrutement, Benelux,  Transmission: Société de nettoyage, France  Transmission: société de pompes funèbres, Europe continentale  Capital expansion: Agences de publicité, Benelux  Capital expansion: Groupe de presse, Benelux  Acquisition: Groupe de communication global est à la recherche de cible en Europe High Tech, IT et Télécommunication  Transmission: Mobile value added services, Israel,  Capital expansion: Société de conseil en infrastructure IT, France  Capital expansion: Editeur de logiciel de “Talent management”, France,  Acquisition: Plusieurs intégrateurs société de conseil sont à la recherche d’opportunité de croissance externe, Continental Europe Commerce  Transmission: Important Grossiste de produits alimentaires, France