The OIE’s World Animal Health Information System: ‘WAHIS’


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Transcription de la présentation:

The OIE’s World Animal Health Information System: ‘WAHIS’ Prepared by Dr Karim Ben Jebara OIE Headquarters Head, Animal Health Information Department The OIE’s World Animal Health Information System: ‘WAHIS’ Beijing, China, 26 – 27 February 2008

Contents Introduction OIE’s list of diseases Notification procedures 4. Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface 5. Transparency Conclusion

Introduction 1st OIE historical objective: To ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation, including zoonoses

Obligation for notification By deciding to join the OIE, a Member agrees to fulfil its international commitment to notify to the OIE - as laid down in the Chapter 1.1.2 of the OIE’s CODE (“Notification and Epidemiological Information”)

Meaning of ‘Notification’ The procedure by which: the Veterinary Authority informs OIE Headquarters OIE Headquarters informs Veterinary Authority, of the suspicion or confirmation of an outbreak of disease or other epidemiological event, according to the provisions of the OIE’s Codes Each Veterinary Authority OIE Headquarters All Member Countries Veterinary Authority

Contents Содержание Introduction OIE’s list of diseases 3. Notification procedures 4. Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface Transparency Conclusion

OIE list of notifiable diseases for terrestrial animals Vulnerability Risk Summary Form Assessment Form A single list (2005) Criteria for listing diseases (infections): Capacity for international spread Capacity for significant spread within naïve populations Zoonotic potential Emerging disease Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Objective 1 : To ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation Each Member undertakes to report the animal diseases that it detects on its territory. The OIE then disseminates the information to other countries, which can take the necessary preventive action. This information also includes diseases transmissible to humans and intentional introduction of pathogens. Information is sent out immediately or periodically depending on the seriousness of the disease. This objective applies to disease occurrences both naturally occurring and deliberately caused. Dissemination is via the OIE Web site, e-mail and the following periodicals: Disease Information, published weekly and the annual compilation World Animal Health. Objectif 1 : Garantir la transparence de la situation des maladies animales et des zoonoses dans le monde Chaque Pays Membre s'engage à déclarer les maladies animales qu'il détecte sur son territoire. L'OIE diffuse alors l'information à tous les autres pays afin qu'ils puissent se protéger. Cette information concerne également les maladies transmissibles à l'homme. Elle est diffusée en urgence ou de façon différée selon la gravité de la maladie. Ces objectifs de surveillance et de suivi s'appliquent à la fois aux événements sanitaires naturels ou intentionnels. Les supports de diffusion sont le site Web de l'OIE, le courrier électronique et les périodiques suivants : Informations sanitaires, publiées chaque semaine, et le recueil annuel Santé animale mondiale. Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier :

Decision Tree used to determine the list INTERNATIONAL SPREAD Has international spread been proven on 3 or more occasions? OR Are more than 3 countries with populations of susceptible animals free of the disease or facing impending freedom (based on Code provisions, especially Appendix 3.8.1)? OR Do OIE annual reports indicate that at least 3 countries with susceptible populations are reporting absence of the disease? EMERGING (A newly recognised pathogen or known pathogen behaving differently) Is there rapid spread or apparent zoonotic properties? EXCLUDE NO YES ZOONOTIC Has transmission to humans been proven? (with the exception of artificial circumstances) AND Is human infection associated with severe consequences? (death or prolonged illness) SIGNIFICANT SPREAD IN NAIVE POPULATIONS Does the disease exhibit significant mortality at level of a country or zone? OR Does the disease exhibit significant morbidity at the level of a country or zone? NO INCLUDE YES NO EXCLUDE YES INCLUDE

OIE list of notifiable diseases for aquatic animals Vulnerability Risk Summary Form Assessment Form A single list (2005) Similar criteria apply Capacity for international spread Capacity for significant spread within naïve populations Zoonotic potential Emerging disease Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Objective 1 : To ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation Each Member undertakes to report the animal diseases that it detects on its territory. The OIE then disseminates the information to other countries, which can take the necessary preventive action. This information also includes diseases transmissible to humans and intentional introduction of pathogens. Information is sent out immediately or periodically depending on the seriousness of the disease. This objective applies to disease occurrences both naturally occurring and deliberately caused. Dissemination is via the OIE Web site, e-mail and the following periodicals: Disease Information, published weekly and the annual compilation World Animal Health. Objectif 1 : Garantir la transparence de la situation des maladies animales et des zoonoses dans le monde Chaque Pays Membre s'engage à déclarer les maladies animales qu'il détecte sur son territoire. L'OIE diffuse alors l'information à tous les autres pays afin qu'ils puissent se protéger. Cette information concerne également les maladies transmissibles à l'homme. Elle est diffusée en urgence ou de façon différée selon la gravité de la maladie. Ces objectifs de surveillance et de suivi s'appliquent à la fois aux événements sanitaires naturels ou intentionnels. Les supports de diffusion sont le site Web de l'OIE, le courrier électronique et les périodiques suivants : Informations sanitaires, publiées chaque semaine, et le recueil annuel Santé animale mondiale. Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier :

Contents Introduction OIE’s list of diseases Notification procedures Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface Transparency Conclusion

Steps in reporting Immediate notification of disease, infection or unusual epidemiological events Weekly reports: Follow-up to the immediate notification Final report : - if the outbreaks have ended - if the situation becomes endemic Six-monthly report Annual report

Immediate notification What needs immediate notification - within 24 hours? 1 - The first occurrence of a listed disease or infection in a country or zone/compartment 2 - The re-occurrence of a listed disease or infection in a country or zone/ compartment following a report declaring previous outbreak(s) eradicated 3 - The first occurrence of a new strain of a pathogen of a listed disease in a country or zone/compartment

Immediate notification (cont.1) 4 - A sudden and unexpected increase in morbidity or mortality caused by an existing listed disease 5 - Evidence of change in the epidemiology of a listed disease (e.g. host range, pathogenicity, strain of causative pathogen), in particular if there is a zoonotic impact. 6 - An emerging [non listed] disease with significant morbidity / mortality or zoonotic potential

Unusual epidemiological event OIE listed disease / infection New Disease New Infection Unusual epidemiological event Emerging disease Immediate notification Control measures Report Type of event Source of infection Nature of diagnosis Laboratory tests Outbreak 2 Outbreak 1 Outbreak n Location Animals Affected

Weekly Reports Final Report Follow-up reports Weekly Reports Follow-up to the immediate notification to inform on changes in the epidemiological situation Final Report

Unusual epidemiological event OIE listed disease / infection New Disease New Infection Unusual epidemiological event Emerging disease Immediate Notification Follow-up report Control measures Report Type of event Source of infection Nature of diagnosis Laboratory tests Outbreak 2 Outbreak 1 Outbreak n Animals Affected Location Outbreak Ended

Unusual epidemiological event OIE listed disease / infection Final report New Disease New Infection Unusual epidemiological event Emerging disease Yes Immediate Notification Follow-up Report End ? No Control measures Report Or Type of event Source of infection Nature of diagnosis Laboratory tests Six-monthly Report (endemic situation) Outbreak 2 Outbreak 1 Outbreak n Animals Affected Location Outbreak s Ended

on the absence or presence of listed diseases Six-monthly Report Started July 2005 on the absence or presence of listed diseases Part 1: Qualitative information disease occurrence, control, prophylaxis and prevention measures, indication of the type of report to use to notify diseases or infections/infestations present in the country (=> part 2) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Objective 2 : To collect, analyse and disseminate veterinary scientific information The OIE collects and analyses the latest scientific information on animal disease control. This information is then made available to the Members to help them to improve the methods used to control and eradicate these diseases. Guidelines are prepared by the network of 156 OIE Collaborating Centres and Reference Laboratories across the world. Scientific information is also disseminated through various works and periodicals published by the OIE, notably the Scientific and Technical Review (3 issues a year). Objectif 2 : Collecter, analyser et diffuser l'information scientifique vétérinaire L'OIE collecte et analyse toutes les nouvelles informations scientifiques relatives à la lutte contre les maladies animales. Il les fournit ensuite aux Pays Membres pour qu'ils améliorent les méthodes qu'ils utilisent pour contrôler et éradiquer ces maladies. Des lignes directrices sont préparées à cet effet par le réseau des 156 Centres Collaborateurs et Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE présents dans le monde entier. L'information scientifique est aussi diffusée grâce à différents ouvrages et périodiques édités par l'OIE, notamment la Revue scientifique et technique (3 numéros par an). Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier :

Part 2: Quantitative information Six-monthly Report Part 2: Quantitative information Template 1: By lowest level Administrative Division and by Month  Template 2: For the whole Country by Month Template 3: By lowest level Administrative Division for the six months period Template 4: For the whole Country for the six months period recommended by the OIE Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Objective 2 : To collect, analyse and disseminate veterinary scientific information The OIE collects and analyses the latest scientific information on animal disease control. This information is then made available to the Members to help them to improve the methods used to control and eradicate these diseases. Guidelines are prepared by the network of 156 OIE Collaborating Centres and Reference Laboratories across the world. Scientific information is also disseminated through various works and periodicals published by the OIE, notably the Scientific and Technical Review (3 issues a year). Objectif 2 : Collecter, analyser et diffuser l'information scientifique vétérinaire L'OIE collecte et analyse toutes les nouvelles informations scientifiques relatives à la lutte contre les maladies animales. Il les fournit ensuite aux Pays Membres pour qu'ils améliorent les méthodes qu'ils utilisent pour contrôler et éradiquer ces maladies. Des lignes directrices sont préparées à cet effet par le réseau des 156 Centres Collaborateurs et Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE présents dans le monde entier. L'information scientifique est aussi diffusée grâce à différents ouvrages et périodiques édités par l'OIE, notamment la Revue scientifique et technique (3 numéros par an). Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier :

Six-monthly Report For each disease Routine report Disease: Present New outbreaks Animals Affected Surveillance and control measures Total outbreaks Disease: Absent Never reported Not reported for this period

Annual report Started January 2006 Information on Vet. Services’ staff Information on non OIE-listed diseases Information on Vet. Services’ staff National Reference Laboratories Livestock census (by lowest level administrative division, etc.) Zoonoses (human cases) Production of vaccines

WAHIS allows registration for all kind of reports How to notify Forms WAHIS web application (login,password) Detailed Guidelines Specialist focal point for Animal Health information system (login, password) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Objective 1 : To ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation Each Member undertakes to report the animal diseases that it detects on its territory. The OIE then disseminates the information to other countries, which can take the necessary preventive action. This information also includes diseases transmissible to humans and intentional introduction of pathogens. Information is sent out immediately or periodically depending on the seriousness of the disease. This objective applies to disease occurrences both naturally occurring and deliberately caused. Dissemination is via the OIE Web site, e-mail and the following periodicals: Disease Information, published weekly and the annual compilation World Animal Health. Objectif 1 : Garantir la transparence de la situation des maladies animales et des zoonoses dans le monde Chaque Pays Membre s'engage à déclarer les maladies animales qu'il détecte sur son territoire. L'OIE diffuse alors l'information à tous les autres pays afin qu'ils puissent se protéger. Cette information concerne également les maladies transmissibles à l'homme. Elle est diffusée en urgence ou de façon différée selon la gravité de la maladie. Ces objectifs de surveillance et de suivi s'appliquent à la fois aux événements sanitaires naturels ou intentionnels. Les supports de diffusion sont le site Web de l'OIE, le courrier électronique et les périodiques suivants : Informations sanitaires, publiées chaque semaine, et le recueil annuel Santé animale mondiale. Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier : WAHIS allows registration for all kind of reports

WAHIS online notification application

Contents Introduction OIE’s list of diseases Notification procedures Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface Transparency Conclusion

The OIE’s Early Warning System (cont) Alert messages Distribution lists - OIE-Info-Delegates - OIE-Info-Web (for the public) OIE web site

The OIE’s Early Warning System (cont) Alert messages

The OIE’s Early Warning System (cont) Weekly Disease information

OIE Monitoring System World Animal Health publication WAHID interface

WAHIS Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source :] Speaker’s comments / Commentaires du conférencier :

Contents Introduction OIE’s list of diseases Notification procedures Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface Transparency Conclusion

Transparency & competence The quality of the information provided to the OIE reflects the degree of knowledge of the animal health situation in the country is an important factor in the evaluation of Vet. Services. Disease control cannot be done properly without accurate and reliable epidemiologic data

Transparency & honesty Once a country’s epidemiological data loses credibility, especially for trade, it is difficult and time-consuming to recover.

“Tracking” OIE’s active search and verification of non official information Scientific publications, Promed, GPHIN, Copernic, news, lay publications… published after verification and Member confirmation

“Results of tracking activities” Year N° of verification requests Answers No answers Official Notifications 2002 32 18 14 2003 29 24 5 2004 85 67 39 2005 97 74 23 36 2006 113 80 33 66 2007 140 103 37 71

Use of alert messages by Delegates on

Contents Introduction OIE’s list of diseases Notification procedures Outputs of WAHIS=WAHID Interface Transparency Conclusion

Conclusion The OIE’s has a long tradition and rich experience in disease information sharing among Members. The OIE’s WAHIS reflects : the quality of information generated and provided by its Members and the degree of their commitment to provide to the OIE timely, transparent & accurate data.

Conclusion (cont) on the farms in the local VS! Key role of all the veterinarians in each Member, above all of the ones working : on the farms in the local VS!

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