ESS-net EseG Elaborating a European socio economic Classication for the ESS Where we stand 21/9/2012.


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Transcription de la présentation:

ESS-net EseG Elaborating a European socio economic Classication for the ESS Where we stand 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project (reminder) An ESSnet was launched on October 21st 2011 coordinated by INSEE with the NSIs from Italy, the Czech Republic and Hungary, for two years, in order to elaborate a European socioeconomic Group (EseG) classification. Building on previous works the ESEC prototype (2004-2006) built up by a consortium of researchers for DG Research and its evaluation (2006-2009) by Eurostat Using Isco08 (2digits) and the core variables from European surveys (status of employment and activity –NACE) 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project : the method The ESSnet has now obtained access to microdata from the main European surveys for almost every European country: - LFS, with ad hoc modules - SILC and AES - other surveys like EWCS and ESS are also used - Transition tables from ISCO-88 to ISCO-08 (necessary because micro data in new classification will only be available lately - 2011 data) These data are to be used to elaborate several prototypes of classifications - exploring different options - essentially by crossing known elements on employment status and activity to test the discriminating power of such prototypes in a wide set of thematic domains Reports and studies in order to explain and codify the new classification show the main features of a description of the European society through such a classification 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project : first steps and methods Kick-Off meeting: 14-15th of November 2011 Budapest meeting: 20-21th of February 2011 International Workshop of researchers: 19th of June 2012 Eurostat Workshop on classifications: 7-8th of November Rome meeting: in November 2012 Interim report: by the end of 2012 Methodology top-down approach privileged (but bottom-up approach also explored if possible) 2, 3 or 4 prototypes will be elaborated only one prototype will be selected in the end, but a more detailed 2-digit version will also be developped - other variables may also be mobilized (such as supervision or the size of the enterprise)- in order to offer the possibility of other groupings This would allow to reconcile different points of view on the relevant aggregated levels. 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project : collaborations and consultations A large consultation, with the 27 NSIs… A questionnaire sent and received from the 27 NSIs to know the MS contexts about Socio economic Classifications (january 2012) (12 NSIs describe a classification, most often based on occupation, Status of employment and qualification, even if this term has not exactly always the same sense) A questionnaire sent to know how occupation and economic activity are coded in the main European surveys (LFS, EUSILC, AES) (may 2012). A third consultation to come on prototypes for testing (contact through Classification working group in december 2012) …and with researchers and potential users of the classification Collaborations with researchers : Some NSIs are now working with research laboratories (Fr, Cz, It) Presentation of the project to ESAC 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project : consultations International workshop in Paris in June 2012. - 20 participants from different countries (sociologists, statisticians…) - and from different schools of thought, even from the previous ESEC - They gave us good ideas and useful ways of working - They wish to keep in touch with us A request for amendment , Much work has been done and, so far, the planned schedule has been respected But the unavaibility of some European data (LFS 2011) before the end of the 2012 does not allow to use ISCO08-3digits in the elaboration of prototypes. This is why we ask to extend the duration of the grant agreement for 6 months. This extension will give more time to elaborate and to test prototypes. 21/9/2012

Some data to illustrate the importance of the subject - The employed population is quite heterogeneous in Europe -And yet we can draw a map of major social groups (here, only the employed) -You can also use this nomenclature to read other societal dimensions (here limitations in activity generated by health problems) 21/9/2012

Some data to illustrate the importance of the subject – Europe : a heterogenous society More than 20% of farmers in Romania, 11% in Poland and only 1% in the United Kingdom On insiste sur l’heterogeneité des sociétés européennes selon la profession ( l’isco) et le selon le statut (salarié ou non-salarié) car ce sont les principales core variables utilisées pour construire notre futur nomenclature 21/9/2012 36% of self-employed in Greece, less than 10% in Sweden and in Denmark

-Actives variables of multivariate analysis Mapping of major groups of Isco (Results of multivariate analysis, only with the employed) Actives variables :level of training, stability in employment, average worked hours , activity….. Here 9 major groups of Isco 08 (1 digit) all over Europe are shown. The first axis distinguishes between those most qualified, managers(Isco08=1) or professionals(Isco08=2) and the less qualified, services ans sales workers (Isco08=5) and elementary occupations(Isco08=9). The second axis opposes industrial jobs (Isco 8=8 or 7) and clerical support workers (Isco08=4). It also makes the disctincion between male-dominated jobs rather and jobs dominated by women. -Actives variables of multivariate analysis - Population distribution by level of training, - Share of rolling contract, - Share of those with a seniority lower than one year, - Average seniority - Share of full-time, - Average worked hours (weekly) - Share of people subject to strong time constraints - Population distribution by activity Share of people working in small enterprises, less than 10 employed Observations - Isco 08 2 digits x country Additional observations -Isco08 1 digit x country (2eme slide) - Isco08 1 digit (premier slide, celui ci) Interpretation des axes : L’axe 1 oppose : à droite les variables Part des diplomés du supérieur, Part des emploi du secteur tertiaire qualifié (Banque, Information Communication, Recherche), la part des CDI, la part des Superviseurs à gauche les variables Part des « Sans diplomes », Part de l’autre tertiaire « marchand », Part des CDD court, part des gens ayant moins d’un an d’ancienneté. C’est un axe qualification L’axe 2 (plus hybride) oppose : au nord La part de l’industrie, la part des emplois postés, la part des postes à temps complets au sud la part des temps partiels, la part des emploi du tertiaire principalement non marchand. Quand on rajoute sous forme de variables supplémentaires le sexe on a les hommes en haut, les femmes en bas 21/9/2012

"professionals" (Isco 08=2) from all countries in Europe are gathered in the same area, indicating the relevance of this approach 21/9/2012

Other societal dimensions can be read through a socioeconomic nomenclature Dans SILC on pose la question suivante : Souffrez vous d’une maladie chronique? Suffer from any a chronic (long-standing) illness. Il y a déjà une exposition inégale des professions à ce risque 15% des managers et professionnels et 20% des professions élémentaires. Mais c’est quand on demande si ce problème de santé induit des limitations à l’activité qu’on observe une différentiation forte. Seulement 5% des professionnels ou managers souffrant de maladie chronique déclarent des limitations fortes à leur activité. Cette proportion est de 14% pour les non-qualifiés (les professions élémentaires). Et là, on se limite aux actifs occupés, les seuls pour lesquels SILC renseigne l’Isco. Si on avait pu ajouter les chômeurs (classés grâce à leur dernier poste de travail), comme on peut le faire dans les enquêtes françaises, le contraste aurait été encore plus saisissant. Only 5% of managers and professionals (ISCO 08 = 1 or 2) having a chronic disease state heavily restricted in their activity by this health problem. This percentage rises to 14% in elementary occupations (Isco08 = 9). 21/9/2012

The ESSnet EseG project Thank you for your attention ! Insee 18 bd Adolphe-Pinard 75675 Paris Cedex 14 Informations statistiques : / Contacter l’Insee 09 72 72 4000 (coût d’un appel local) du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 17h00