Mme Debbie Campbell Français Arts Langagiers 11e & 12e Histoire Planétaire 12e.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Mme Debbie Campbell Français Arts Langagiers 11e & 12e Histoire Planétaire 12e

Sir John A. MacDonald High How class is set up (FLA) Being on time/attendance/George Exam exemptions Outline (you should have already signed) Rubrics, getting things signed. Homework letters explained. My website for homework, etc.My website

Sir John A. MacDonald High Extra Help. Assignment expectations. Electronic Dictionary (if possible)Electronic Dictionary Careers Assessment

Sir John A. MacDonald High Assessment Strands (FLA): Lecture et Visionnement; Écriture et Représentation (60%) Travail mineur 20%; majeur 20%; tests 20%. LÉcoute et LExpression Orale (40%) Travail mineur 20%; Travail majeur 20%

Histoire Planétaire 1945-Present Environmental issues and how they relate to global security. East-West (The role of superpower in the post WW2 era) North-South (Origins and Consequences of Economic Disparity) The Pursuit of Justice Societal and Technological Change Acknowledging Global Interdependence: The legacy of the 20 th Century.Assignment expectations.

Histoire Planétaire 1945-Present Electronic Dictionary (if possible) Assessment: Tests 20% Quizzes 10% Le Travail Mineur 20% (oral & written) Le Travail Majeur 30% (oral & written) Projet de Recherche 20%