Le Plus-que-Parfait Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Le Plus-que-Parfait Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re

Qu’est-ce que c’est?  Le plus-que-parfait is a past tense  It is used to express a completed action further in the past than the P.C. Ex. Il avait mangé la pomme Ex. Il avait mangé la pomme (He had eaten the apple)(He had eaten the apple)  Like the P.C., there are two parts to the P-Q-P: A/ an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) Conjugated in the imparfait Conjugated in the imparfait B/ a past participle

Auxiliary Verb Avoir Avoir = To have J’avais Tu avais Il/elle avait Nous avions Vous aviez Ils/elles avaient

Auxiliary Verb Etre Etre = To be J’étais Tu étais Il/elle était Nous étions Vous étiez Ils/elles étaient

La Formation L es verbes en -er  Verbes en –er: to form the past participle, drop the –er of the infinitive and add “é”  Example: DONNER = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

Donner  Donner = to give  Past Participle = donné  Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb donner in the plus-que-parfait!

Donner J’avais donné (I had given) Tu avais donné (you had given) Il/elle avait donné (he/she had given) Nous avions donné (we had given) Vous aviez donné (you had given) Ils/elles avaient donné (they had given) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable

La Formation L es verbes en -ir  Verbes en –ir: to form the past participle, drop the –ir of the infinitive and add “i”  Example: FINIR = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

Finir  Finir = to finish  Past Participle = fini  Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb finir in the plus-que-parfait!

Finir J’avais fini (I had finished) Tu avais fini (you had finished) Il/elle avait fini (he/she had finished) Nous avions fini (we had finished) Vous aviez fini (you had finished) Ils/elles avaient fini (they had finished) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable

La Formation L es verbes en -re  Verbes en –re: to form the past participle, drop the –re of the infinitive and add “u”  Example: Rendre = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________

Rendre  Rendre = to give back  Past Participle = rendu  Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb rendre in the plus-que-parfait!

Rendre J’avais rendu (I had given back) Tu avais rendu (you had given back) Il/elle avait rendu (he/she had given back) Nous avions rendu (we had given back) Vous aviez rendu (you had given back) Ils/elles avaient rendu (they had given back) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable

Devoirs Conjugez les verbes suivants au plus-que- parfait: Conjugez les verbes suivants au plus-que- parfait: Fermer = ____________ Fermer = ____________ Parler = ____________ Parler = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Battre = ____________ Battre = ____________ Vendre = ____________ Vendre = ____________

L’accord du Participe Passé  N’oubliez pas les régles de l’accord!