City of Edinburgh Modern Languages Un plus deux français lundi vingt-deux octobre.


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Transcription de la présentation:

City of Edinburgh Modern Languages Un plus deux français lundi vingt-deux octobre

Je suis Education Support Officer Modern Languages à Edimbourg en Ecosse. Je m’appelle Ann Mon addresse c’est

Bonjour Bonaly!

Bonjour Colinton!

Bonjour Pentland!

Bonjour Longstone!

Bonjour Oxgangs!

Bonjour tout le monde!

On se présente!

Bonjour! Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle…. Enchanté(e) Au Revoir La réception de l’ambassade

Qui est-ce?

Sarah Spiller 1+2 Development Officer Bonjour! Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle… Enchanté(e)!

Qui est-ce?

Le but! Parler en français! Pourquoi 1+2? Introduction aux ressources Le planning La culture!

Les toilettes?

Une alarme incendie?

Bonjour! Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle…. Enchanté(e) Au Revoir La réception de l’ambassade

Les couleurs bleurougevertorange

Des groupes arc en ciel

Asseyez-vous en groupe

Bonjour! Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle…. Enchanté(e)! On se présente!

Activité! Créez une première page du journal… 30 minutes …pour 1+2 News!

On parle français Please and thank you in French! S’il te plaîtMerci! De rien!

Le sud-ouest de la France Le sud de la France Le nord de la France Les Alpes

Activité! 4 régions de la France 5 groupes expertes par région Le sud Le sud-ouest Paris Les Alpes

Les verts ensembles Les oranges ensembles Les rouges ensembles Les bleus ensembles Faites le tour des tables dans votre région La personne de la table présente la page. Tour de groupes expertes

En groupe… 3 minutes….et 3 points d’informations French Language Learning Activities

1 more reason to learn French..

La récréation 30 minutes

On danse!

On fait l’appel!

2020 Timeline for implemenation Funding for 2014/2015

L2 A progressive experience for all of learning an additional language from P1 onwards (L2).

L3 A revisited and progressive experience of another language in addition to this from P5 onwards (L3) Scots Gaelic Mandarin SpanishItalian French Urdu Polish German

L2 A progressive experience for all of learning an additional language from P1 onwards (L2).

Embedded language Supportive Embedded Practical Accessible Engaging Flexible Progressive

Username: edinburghlanguages Password: edinburgh All lower case!

2 parts to the resource Embedded language Choice Topics

French from P1 Framework Embedded language Minimum expectation for full implementation by 2020 Covers a set of core vocabulary topics which can be embedded in daily routines and across classroom practice Greetings, numbers (1 -31), dates, weather, classroom talk Resources developed at Early, First and Second Levels including all vocabulary, sound files, activities, web links and songs.

French Early Level Classroom Talk!

Early Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Begin to develop an awareness of other countries, cultures and languages Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and rhymes Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of language through listening, watching and playing Understand, respond to and say simple greetings and personal information (e.g. name) Repeat and understand simple familiar language from a familiar source Actively take part in simple daily routine language Participate in familiar games including outdoor learning Begin to explore resources to support my learning e.g. picture dictionaries

Vocabulaire Classroom Talk! Ecoutez Listen RegardezLook S’il vous plaît Please (for use when pupil is talking to the teacher, or the teacher is talking to the whole class) Mettez-vous en ligneLine up OuiYes NonNo Merci Thank you Non merci No thank you

Ecoutez s’il vous plaît!

Regardez s’il vous plaît!

Mettez-vous en ligne!




Non merci!

Embedding the language Using s’il vous plaît, merci, oui and non as part of everyday classroom language. You could do the register with oui and non on some days. The language for the teacher e.g. line up, listen and look are designed to be embedded in everyday classroom practice. For this topic, this would be the focus as opposed to the language being taught as such. There are example activities however to help teachers reinforce the language being used.

Mot de la semaine Mot du mois 1.Mot de la semaine means word of the week. Mot du mois means word of the month. 2.As a way of building up classroom vocabulary gently, you could have a word of the week/month which everyone will use in class (or out of class too if they like!) 3.Once you move onto your next word, keep the previous words going! This way the pupils will build up their language gradually!

Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more challenging activities in Level 1 Classroom Talk.

S’il vous plaît ou non merci? Pupils look at the following slides and decide if they would like it or not by saying either S’il vous plaît or non merci! You could make this more active by having 2 sides of the room with each designated as the S’il vous plaît side and the other as the Non merci! side. Ask pupils to then choose a side which matches their opinion and say their opinion (S’il vous plaît or non merci) as a group. You could follow this up with asking them to choose pictures from cut outs or create their own drawings under the headings S’il vous plaît and non merci!

S’il vous plaît ou non merci? Regardez les photos et décidez si S’il vous plaît! ou Non merci!

S’il vous plaît ou non merci?

Version professeurs de français!

S’il vous plaît ou non merci?

Une couleur s’il vous plaît! 1.Have a group of different coloured objects in the centre of a circle. 2.Pupils ask for a colour by saying, “le bleu s’il vous plaît” the teacher then passes them the object and they say “merci” back. 3.Once all of the objects have gone, pupils then continue with one choosing a colour and saying (for example) “le rose s’il vous plaît” at which point whoever has the pink object would put it back in the centre. The pupil who asked for it then says merci. 4.This continues until all the objects are back. 5.You can extend this by asking those who have the objects to hide them and when they are asked for it back, the others have to guess who has it (C’est qui? C’est Aaron etc.)

Jacques a dit Jacques a dit is French for Simon says. It works exactly the same way whereby if you say Jacques a dit (Jack said) at the start of a command then everyone has to do it. If you just say the command then pupils should stand still. If they do the action, they then sit down. Sample commands are below: Jacques a dit écoutez! (pupils can cup hand to ear) Jacques a dit regardez! (mime searching) Jacques a dit mettez-vous en ligne! (pupils get into a line) Ecoutez! Regardez! Mettez-vous en ligne!

Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

Mettez-vous en ligne (to the tune of farmers in his den) Mettez-vous en ligne! Tous les enfants de la classe, Mettez-vous en ligne!

Au revoir!

You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes. ICT Resources online

L’institut français

BBC languages weather games, videos and songs.

Languages online

Au revoir!

Choose a starting point which suits you and your class Don’t worry about repetition of language – repetition is everything in language learning, they can’t hear it enough. Little and often – drip, drip effect. For Early – P2 start with Early Level P3 – perhaps Early too Everyone else – First for vocabulary. You can apply the approaches of 2 nd to the amount of vocab at 1st Level. P6/7 working up to 2 nd Approaches are more linked to Levels rather than the vocabulary – there is usually just more of it the higher you go. Don’t be afraid to get it wrong! It’s a positive thing for the pupils to see you learning with them. Go at a pace which you are comfortable with. Embedded language

Choice topics Range of contexts which can be fitted in across the curriculum Designed to promote pupil and teacher choice Some contain new vocabulary Others build on previous learning Some require no previous knowledge Still mostly in development Full resource set available by Christmas Like feedback today about what you would like Would also like feedback about what the pupils would like

Choice topics

French Level 1 Party Games!

Les chaises musicales!

Activité 4 – Les chaises musicales! Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a Prior learning: None particularly necessary. Expressive Arts I can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill while learning about musical notation and performance directions. EXA 1-16a

Activité 4 – Teacher’s notes Activité: Les chaises musicales 1.Pupils walk around a number of chairs (1 less than number of pupils) and sing to French music. When the music stops they must sit down in a seat which is free. 2.The person who is left is the out but they can still sing along and you can ask them to ask everyone to stand up and then choose a seat to remove next. 3.To add some extra French you can stick and question or a French challenge to each seat e.g. count to five, say your name, say what the weather is like today etc. and get them to say it to their neighbour. 4.You could also link this to whatever topic you have been doing e.g. pictures of animals if you’ve been looking at pets and they would have to say what it is.

Ecoutez la musique… chantez… et faites le tour des chaises!

Quand la musique s’arrête….


Le Hokey Pokey!

Activité 6 – Teacher’s notes Activité: Le Hokey Pokey 1.Practise the lyrics and actions and then do it to the music. 2.I’ve included two versions – one which is simplified and another which goes with the Youtube version. Prior learning: Body parts and left and right but can learn when doing this song.

Le Hokey Pokey!

Met le pied droit devant

Met le pied droit derrière

Met le pied droit devant

Et remue-le dans tous les sens

On fait le Hokey Pokey

Tu tournes sur toi-même

Voilà, c’est comme ça!

Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3

Voilà, c’est comme ça!

Level 1 Les dinosaures! Raar!

Activité 1 – Teacher’s notes Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a Prior learning: 1. Where I live 2. Simple descriptions 3. Colours 4. Pets 5. Food and drink Activity Read and listen to the information about the different dinosaurs and then do the quiz in groups or as a whole class.

Voici Stégosaure!

Stégosaure est de quelle couleur?

Stégosaure est vert!

Stégosaure est gros…

…comme un bus…

…mais son cerveau est petit… le cerveau

…comme une noix!

Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est un oiseau?

Non! C’est Ptérodactyle! Salut tout le monde!

Ptérodactyle est grand ou petit?

Ptérodactyle est très grand! J’habite en Afrique. Et toi?

Qui est-ce? Coucou! C’est Tyrannosaure!

Ça va Tyrannosaure? Ça va mal!

Tyrannosaure mange les petits dinosaures. Raarr! J’ai faim!

Il y a un Tyrannosaure dans le Musée Nationale d’Ecosse à Chambers Street.

Quiz! 8. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure? Raar!

Oui, super! C’est Tyrannosaure!

Quiz! 9. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure? Ouaf!

Oui, fantastique! C’est Stégosaure!

Quiz! 10. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure? Je suis un dinosaure. Je ne suis pas un chien!

Oui, bravo la classe! C’est Tricérotops!

One child is l’épervier (the sparrowhawk) and stands in the middle of the playground. The other children stand at one end. When the sparrowhawk calls out j’arrive, the other children have to run across the playground without being caught. If the sparrowhawk catches them, he calls out attrapé and they become sparrowhawks too.

Children sit in a circle. One child pretends to be a cat and goes to another child, who has to say Pauvre petit chat malade without laughing. If he laughs, he becomes the cat. If not, the cat goes to another child.

French cartoon pack Les dessins animés

L’âne trotro

Theme tune L’âne trotro Trop trop rigolo L’âne trotro Trop trop rigolo L’âne trotro c’est l’ami qu’il nous faut Trop trop rigolo!

La photo de Trotro.

L’âne trotro fait les courses

French Level 1/ 2 La magie!

Bonjour les magiciens! Bienvenue à l’école de magie!

One child hides their eyes and counts to whatever number is appropriate to the size and amount of children playing. This could be done in French if possible. When the child has finished counting he/she shouts j’arrive and looks for the others who have hidden. If the child finds one of them he/she shouts trouvé and that child helps them find the others.

Choisissez un nom de théâtre! E.g. Je m’appelle la fantastique Anna! Garçons Filles fantastique le merveilleux l‘incroyable le super le génial la le fantastique le merveilleuse l‘incroyable le super le génial E.g. Je m’appelle le super Simon!

Le crayon magique!

Regardez le tour de magie

Comment faire? C’est la magie?

Je prends un crayon

Je roule le crayon sur mon pullover

Je souffle sur le crayon

Je mets le crayon sur la table

Je fais des gestes magiques!

Et maintenant le grand sécret!

Je souffle sur le crayon.

Et voilà! Le crayon roule! C’est la magie!

Next steps Look through the resources and decide what you might like to try with your own classes! What choice topics would you like to see as part of the resource?

Next steps One post-it per person with one thing you will do in class. Any question – whole group Support – further

S’il vous plaît ou non merci?