French Academy for Fire, Rescue and Civil Protection Officers Presentation of the : French Academy for Fire, Rescue and Civil Protection Officers AIX EN PROVENCE Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Fire fighting territorial organization France is divided in 100 physical departments. Each one has a special administration dedicated to fire and rescue missions. Napoleon had decided to reorganize the french territory. Before that, we had one country, one capital and a large number of cities, lacking a real link between the government and the administration of the territory. Napoleon issued the Civil Code, which countains all the basic laws such as the management of the births and deaths, a register call « état civil ». He also divided the whole territory in 100 departements. Each one is under the responsability of a prefect, wich is the representative of the government in his dedicated departement. The prefect like the president, has the power to take every required decisions and he refers to the domestic affair office. They are appointed by the minister council, and they can be installed or removed each Wednesday. Based on this Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Organisation of training in France 100 departmental (county) college Each fire service is responsible for his own training organization for basic fire fighters -Various sizes for the departmental colleges Napoleon had decided to reorganize the french territory. Before that, we had one country, one capital and a large number of cities, lacking a real link between the government and the administration of the territory. Napoleon issued the Civil Code, which countains all the basic laws such as the management of the births and deaths, a register call « état civil ». He also divided the whole territory in 100 departements. Each one is under the responsability of a prefect, wich is the representative of the government in his dedicated departement. The prefect like the president, has the power to take every required decisions and he refers to the domestic affair office. They are appointed by the minister council, and they can be installed or removed each Wednesday. Based on this Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Organisation of training in France One national school for all the officers Based since september 2007 in Aix en Provence Napoleon had decided to reorganize the french territory. Before that, we had one country, one capital and a large number of cities, lacking a real link between the government and the administration of the territory. Napoleon issued the Civil Code, which countains all the basic laws such as the management of the births and deaths, a register call « état civil ». He also divided the whole territory in 100 departements. Each one is under the responsability of a prefect, wich is the representative of the government in his dedicated departement. The prefect like the president, has the power to take every required decisions and he refers to the domestic affair office. They are appointed by the minister council, and they can be installed or removed each Wednesday. Based on this Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès ENSOSP The 5 majors assignments are defined by a law : 1° - Trainings for volunteer and professional fire-fighter officers, Initial training Continuous or vocational training 2° -Trainings for elected people, civil defence managers, industrial and international experts Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès ENSOSP . 3° - Management of local and regional fire-fighter schools. ENSOSP is responsible for the cooperation of all the training actors in France. Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès ENSOSP 4° - To Manage research, prospective and technological survey. To share information on or concerning Fire and Rescue services. 5° - To manage the international relations in terms of research and exchange of knowledge. Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Historique de l’école… 1977 : Création ENSSP 1986 : ENSOSP branche Dir. De la Sécurité Civile 1994 : INESC établissement public dont ENSOSP 2004 : ENSOSP Etablissement public (7 juin 2004) 2007 : Nouvelle implantation, virage historique, ENSOSP en reconstruction. L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Transfert de l’Ecole des Officiers Organigramme ENSOSP Transfert de l’Ecole des Officiers L’école Personnel Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Colonel François PRADON Directeur Adjoint Colonel Philippe BODINO Directeur de l’ENSOSP Préfet Alain PERRET Directeur de la D.S.C. Pascal PERTUSA Président du Conseil d’administration L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Directeur du département CODEF COnception DEs Formations… Bureau du suivi pédagogique des intervenants Division Disciplines Fonctionnelles : Lcl Christian JEANDEMANGE Division Disciplines Opérationnelles : Lcl Thierry CARRET Division Formations Santé : Mchl Philippe VASSEUR Division Formations spécialisées : Lcl Bertrand CASSOU Division Ingénierie pédagogique : Cdt Olivier TROUVÉ Site Oudiné : Antenne du service prévention : Lcl Jean-Paul SPIESS Lcl Gilbert PASCAL Directeur du département CODEF L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Directeur du département MOF Mise en Œuvre des Formations… Lcl Thierry CHABAS Directeur du département MOF Division Étudiante : Lcl Serge HERARD Division Soutiens Logistique moyens : Cdt Richard MAUREL Division plateau technique : Cdt Frédéric TOURNAY L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Transfert de l’École des officiers… Division Infrastructures : Bertrand MALLET Assistante : Mme Lydie JUMELLE Lcl Christophe MIGNOT Directeur du département TEO L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant Colonel Beaussé PROspective et DÉVeloppement… Division pôle national des ressources et des savoirs : Lcl Bruno BEAUSSÉ Division Actions internationales et recherche : Lcl René SPIES Lieutenant Colonel Beaussé Directeur par intérim du département prospective et développement L’école Plateau technique Pôle pédagogique Personnel Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
An educating institute ENSOSP forms the 25, 000 firefighters officers volunteers and professionals medical staff (nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and veterinarians) Other audiences : local authorities or representatives, government officers, business executives, French and international experts, international firefighters. Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès The Academy proposes: Firefighting training and first aid training Crisis and risk management Human resources management CBNR and environmental prevention and preparedness Operational management Training for medical executives Senior officers training Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Figures in 2009 4 000 firefighter’s officers annually 200 training sessions each year 400 trainees a day 76 000 trainees altogether in 2009 (in comparison to 30 000 in 2003) 1 200 guest-speakers, 70 % coming from Fire & Rescue services and 30 % from public or private sectors Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
An institute promoting firefighters’ fundamental values Heritage transmission of : liberty, equality, fraternity, solidarity, courage, devotion, equity, Loyalty effectiveness, commitment, respect, etc. these values are emphasized each day at the Academy Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
An institute opens to the world The Academy is an active member of : The network of various national schools of public utilities The network of Fire and Rescue Services The European Fire Service Colleges’ Association The network of Fire and Rescue Services’ Schools Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
An anticipating institute Studies and research Lessons learned through experience A didactical and pedagogical way of thinking Resources and knowledge sharing Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Some figures of 2008 75 000 trainees each year 185 employees Budget up to 25 Millions € Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès The training sessions Initial and basic training for young fire-fighter officers at the beginning of their career. Initial training for paramedic and medical staff of fire and rescue services. Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
The trainings sessions Specialized Trainings Transmissions- Radio Hazmat Hazards Nuclear Hazards Prevention Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
THE Academy of the futur In 2002, the ministry of interior decided to build a new school in the south of France with 2 areas: One for the staff and for the theoretical teaching centre One as operational training centre Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Teaching centre : some figures 27 000 squared meters built for the teaching centre and the offices 450 accommodation rooms 2 amphitheatres A restaurant for 1 000 people A stadium and a gymnasium 50 Millions € investment Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Operational training centre : some figures Staff of 48 persons up to 60 trainees every day in 2010 28 Millions € for the building 10 Millions € for motor vehicles and teaching material Ground surface : 23.7 ha Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès
Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès Thank you for listening Lieutenant-colonel René Spiès