Subjects Teachers Much new information Friends Lessons Good education Much homework Discipline Matières Maitres Beaucoup d`information Amis Leçons Bonne.


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‘Oddballs !’ Some more irregular verb revision in the Present Tense.
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Many verbs that are irregular in the present also have irregular past participles. Therefore, no rule for formation, you need to memorize them. Each time.
Shool in England.
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LES PRONOMS D’OBJET DIRECT. WHAT IS A SUBJECT? In a sentence, the person or thing that performs the action of the verb is called the SUBJECT.
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Le Verbe Avoir L’Objectif: to learn the verb avoir in the present tense and to be able to use it in context By: B. Antoniazzi DDE French 1 U1 L2C AVOIR.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
Leçon 6 I am what I am or to be or not to be
Transcription de la présentation:

Subjects Teachers Much new information Friends Lessons Good education Much homework Discipline Matières Maitres Beaucoup d`information Amis Leçons Bonne education Devoirs Discipline SCHOOLEOLESCHOOLEOLE EDUCATIONEDUCATION

What do you usually do at the lessons? read books write exercises and dictations recite poems speak English on different topics make up dialogues, ask (answer) questions make projects

Que faites vous d`habitude a la lecon de francais? lire des livres écrire des exercices et des dictées apprendre des poesies (reciter) parler français faire des projets

Mary is a pupil She studies at school №1 She learns English and French At the lesson she usually reads texts, ask and answer questions and sometimes, write dictations. She has got many friends at school After the lessons she goes home She does her homework every day

Marie est une élève de 5eme Elle fait ses etudes au gymnase №1 Marie aime les lecons d`anglais A la leçon elle lit des textes,pose des questions et parfois elle écrit des dictées. Elle a beaucoup d`amis à l`école Apres les cours elle va à la maison Elle fait ses devoirs chaque jour

Let`s fill in: couldn`t, ought to, must, may, has to, needn`t, are to. Let`s fill in: couldn`t, ought to, must, may, has to, needn`t, are to. 1. I do my homework every day 1. I do my homework every day 2. You write this exercise for Thursday 2. You write this exercise for Thursday 3. She be more attentive at the lesson 3. She be more attentive at the lesson 4. We to do Ex.5 for Monday 4. We to do Ex.5 for Monday 5. She read the text again because it is difficult. 5. She read the text again because it is difficult I come in? I come in? 7. Mike read when he was 3 years old 7. Mike read when he was 3 years old

SCHOOL RULES 1.Pupils must study well. 2.Pupils must do their homework every day (be ready for the lessons. 3.Pupils must come to school in time (mustn't be late) 4.Pupils must listen to the teachers 5.Pupils must be polite, attentive, diligent and hard-working 6.Pupils must be on duty 7.Pupils must wear uniforms

LES REGLES DE L`ECOLE 1.Les élèves doivent travailler bien. 2.Les élèves doivent être toujours prêts. 3.Les élèves doivent arriver a l`école à temps. 4.Les élèves doivent écouter le maitre. 5.Les élèves doivent s`appliquer beaucoup. 6.Les élèves doivent être polis, attentifs. 7.Les élèves doivent faire ledevoir chaque jour.

EDUCATION Knowledge Connaissance BooksManuels Good teachersBons maîtres University Universitée Study well S`appliquer beacoup