1- Harvesting 2- Washing and Grinding 3- Pressing 4- Fermentation HOW to make CIDER Presentation by the French team Comenius projet Łowicz (Poland) 7th April 2014
1- Harvesting Apples are picked in the fall, Apples are picked in the fall, put in baskets put in baskets and then in trucks. and then in trucks.
2- Washing and Grinding Then they are ground (grinder) to give as much juice as possible. Apples are washed to remove microorganisms.
3- Pressing The pulp is stacked and then pressed. The extracted juice is collected.
4- Fermentation Yeast is added to convert apple sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide (thus bubbles in cider!). This step lasts for 1 to 6 months (thus different ciders: crude, sweet or half crude). Yeast
5- Thanks for you attention!
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