Warm up * Fromage, salade, entrée, fruits, and plat principal. Write courses in proper order and add an appropriate food item for each.


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Les pronoms des objets indirects

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Indirect Object Pronouns
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
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Les pronoms compléments d’objet directs et indirects
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Structure: Les pronoms lui, leur
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Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal)
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1. Est-ce que Est-ce que, literally translated "is it that," can be placed at the beginning of any affirmative sentence to turn it into a question: Je.
L ES OBJETS DIRECTS / INDIRECTS. D IRECT OBJECTS PN S ( OR “DOPS”) me (m’) = menous = we Te (t’) = youvous = you Le (l’) = him, itles = them La (l’) =
Warm up *Parties, celebrations are part of live; write about what might be the next big celebration in your life. ( write a minimum of 6 sentences).
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Warm up Circle the word that doesn’t belong in each group because of meaning. 1.Une jupe, un pantalon, une ceinture, une robe, un chemisier. 2.Une cuisine,
Français II: les notes # Indirect Object Pronouns Answer to who(m) or to what Replaces à + nouns representing people All pronouns are the same.
Shaelyn H.. Direct FrenchDirect EnglishIndirect FrenchIndirect English Me To me TeYouTeTo you Le/La/l’Him/her/itLuiTo him/to her NoususNousTo us VousyouVousTo.
Tous les pronoms.
Les pronoms. Le passé composé et les compléments d’objets directs.
Asking For and Giving Advice Tu as une idée de cadeau pour Oncle Jean? Offre-lui des bonbons. Et pour Lisette et Elodie? Offre-leur des fleurs.
Français II. Note in the following sentences how the highlighted noun comes DIRECTLY AFTER the verb. This noun is called the DIRECT OBJECT. Note the form.
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OBJECT PRONOUNS WITH THE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ Page 122. Placement  With all object pronouns, placement is the same. DirectIndirectPlaces De+ nouns or ideas.
Negative sentences Questions
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Direct Object Pronouns! Français II. Direct Objects D.O. A direct object is a part of speech that RECEIVES the direct action of the verb. Ask “who” or.
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Les pronoms compléments d’objet Object pronouns. Direct Object Pronouns A direct object receives the action of the verb, -- who? Or What? –I see the ball/je.
Vocabulaire electronique. Have you got a gift idea for…? Tu as une idée de cadeau pour…?
Les pronoms complément d’objet indirect.  Answers the question “to whom” “to what”  I’m writing to Paul/J’écris à Paul  Who are you writing to? Paul.
Les compléments d’object direct Direct object pronouns le, la, l’, les.
L’IMPÉRATIF. IMPERATIVE is another word for COMMAND. Imperatives tell people to do or not to do things. The imperative starts with the verb. This is similar.
FSL10 – UNITÉ 4 LES PHÉNOMÈNES EXTRAORDINAIRES Les pronoms objets indirects.
Les Pronoms Objets Indirects: lui & leur Français II A/B M. Jackson GHS.
Asking For and Giving Advice
Indirect Object Pronouns
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Combien en voulez-vous?
Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up * Fromage, salade, entrée, fruits, and plat principal. Write courses in proper order and add an appropriate food item for each.

Rencontre culturelle In 2002, adopted a new currency, replacing its own francs with a currency shared with most of countries of Western Europe, euro. *Look at the picture on p. 74. Unit Three: asking for and giving advice *P. 75, Read la note de Sylvie/understanding To ask for advice: Tu as une idée de cadeau pour Onde Omar? Have you got a gift idea for…?

Qu’est-ce que je pourrais offrir à Anne? What could I give to…? To give advice: Offre-lui ( leur) des bonbons. Give him/her (them) Tu pourrais lui (leur) offrir un CD. You could givr him/her (them)… Un livre, peut-être…may-be

To accept advice: Bonne idée C’est original. That’s unique. Tu as raison, elle adore la musique. You’re right… D’accord. Ok.

To reject advice: C’est trop cher. It’s too expensive. C’est banal. That’s ordinary. Ce n’est pas son style. That’s not his/her style. II/elle en a déjà un(e). He/she already has one (of them)

* Do, cd 3, Tr. 12. Grammaire: The indirect object pronouns lui and leur The pronouns lui ( to/for him, to/for her) and leur ( to/for them) replace a phrase that begins with à or pour followed par a person or persons. Lui and leur never refer to things. * Place lui or leur before the conjugated verb: Tu leur offre un cadeau? Je ne lui parle pas souvent.

* If there’s an infintive in the sentence, lui or leur is placed before it: Tu pourrais lui offrir un bracelet. Je ne veux pas leur acheter des fleurs. * In a positive command, place lui or leur after the verb, connect to it with an hyphen: Offre-lui des bonbons! Achète-leur un cadeau. * In a negative command, place lui or leur before the verb. Ne lui parle pas? *Handouts*/ Do Page 85, Act. 8-9.