INTERVIEW SUR LA MARTINIQUE suggested Level : Intermediate/ Advanced Compréhension orale 1
AIM: To demonstrate understanding by supplying the required information A map of the island with photos can be accessed via Google Maps Suggested approach Learners listen to each section of the interview in turn They attempt to answer the relevant questions They discuss and compare their answers with one partner They listen again The whole group review the answers 2
Learners are not told in advance what the subject matter of the interview is After listening to each section once, they share their understanding and summarise the key points 3
Répondez 1. Avec quelle(s) culture(s) associez-vous la Martinique ? 2. Dans quelle partie de l’ îl e se trouve « Trinité » ? 3. Que signifie le terme « hivernage » ? 4. Qu’est-ce qui fait l’originalité des plats martiniquais ? 5. Quels souvenirs garde-t-elle de l’enseignement primaire ? 6. Le CAPES, qu’est-ce que c’est? 4
AIM: To practise and learn words and expressions used in common communication For vocabulary buildingactivities on this topic, learners go to Flashcards matching pairs word search concentration 5