Www.iicd.org ICT integration as a process of social innovation: how to ensure that ICT leads to development goals Leiden 9 December, 2010 François Laureys.


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Transcription de la présentation:

ICT integration as a process of social innovation: how to ensure that ICT leads to development goals Leiden 9 December, 2010 François Laureys

Can ICT end Poverty? Kentaro Toyama : “Well, no. Technology is only a magnifier of human intent and capacity.” Technology widens the gap through three mechanisms: 1. differential access - technology is consistently more accessible to the rich and the powerful. 2. differential capacity - with limited capacity, technology’s value is minimal. 3. differential motivation - what do people want to do with the technology they have access to? “… disseminating technology is easy; nurturing human capacity and human institutions that put it to good use is the crux.” SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

IICD livelihoods programs countries 68 programs – 40% independent 200 info access points Internet, radio/tv, mobile 600,000 small scale farmers and traders, 40% women 4,000,000 beneficiaries – small scale farmers and traders SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

Challenges livelihoods Key challenges livelihoods Low profitability small farmers Lacking market access Low productivity and lacking knowledge production methods Need to certification of ecological products Problems with land use SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

Approach to impact measurement Self-learning & continuous measurement On-line questionnaires –Representative sample of users –30,000 questionnaires in –Automatic report generation Feedback sessions –Focus group meetings –Project partners & end users –Qualitative feedback –Discussion possible solutions SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

Site: survey.iicd.orgsurvey.iicd.org SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

Impact indicators Connectivity solutions, Ghana Impact perception by ICT users Satisfaction with services Awareness around the use of ICT Empowerment Economic impact Based on sets of basic questions (constructs) Developed with local partners

Connectivity solutions, Ghana

Outcome per type of ICT intervention Connectivity solutions, Ghana

Example Bolivia Cost-Benefit calculation Connectivity solutions, Ghana

1.Coopérative de Productrices de Karité de Zantiébougou members in 2007 – 1100 by the end of % illiteracy COPROKAZAN - Mali

1.Sur le plan économique Faible niveau de vente Insuffisance de clients Progression timide de l’emploi Revenu très insuffisant Coût élevé des supports de communication/promotion 2.Sur le plan communicationnel Difficulté d’accès aux clients à l’étranger Faible visibilité de la coopérative Faible image de marque Faible taux d’utilisation des TIC Données non fiables et difficultés de sauvegarde 3.Sur le plan capacit é humaine 90% de taux analphab é tisme 0% de capacit é d ’ utilisation de l ’ outil informatique Insuffisance dans la ma î trise des techniques de production du beurre de karit é Faible capacit é d ’ utilisation des outils de gestion 4.Sur le plan mat é riel Manque d ’ outils informatiques Insuffisance de supports de communication/promotion Case COPROKAZAN - Baseline

1.Moyens matériels Plaque solaires Ordinateur + Imprimante + Photocopieuse Scanner Caméra et photo numériques Vidéoprojecteur 2.Stratégies développées Formation, transfert de compétence, renforcement des capacités L’équipe technique reçoit la formation ; L’équipe technique transmet la connaissance, renforce la capacité des membres de Coprokazan 3.Applications Marketing – site web + Organisation: Base de données Renforcement: Photos Vidéo Présentation PowerPoint COPROKAZAN – ICT solutions

1.Formation/sensibilisation 30 membres de Coprokazan sont form é es en utilisation des TIC ;membres Des photos, PowerPoint et film ont permis de former en technique de production du beurre de karit é plus de 400 femmes de Coprokazan et 12 femmes guin é ennes ;PowerPoint Le film sur le fonctionnement de Coprokazan a permis de :film − Plaider aupr è s du Ministre de D é veloppement social, − Informer l ’ AG sur les textes et la gouvernance de Coprokazan, − R é ussir des visites d ’é changes d ’ exp é riences (femmes appuy é es par le MPFEF, World Vision, ONG ADC, SNV).visites 2.Promotion/Recherche de clients En moyenne, 10 prospects/clients visitent par mois le site web ; Toutes les n é gociations commerciales et commandes, en provenance de l ’ ext é rieur, se font par l ’ Internet ; Spot publicitaire à la t é l é, affichage et d é pliants ont permis de gagner de nouveaux clients.affichage 3.Traitement de donn é es La base de donn é es informe sur les op é rations avec les membres ; L ’ Excel est utilis é pour la comptabilit é, le suivi, les rotations et quantit é de la production conditionn é e. production Coprokazan Project implementation

Million f.cfa Emplois aux membres 32 (30 F et 2 H) 42 (38 F et 4 H) 55 (50 F et 5 H) Coprokazan Economic Impact Nombre de membres 259 (4 H) 369 (4 H) 616 (8 H)

Effective use of ICT is only possible if immersed in a well thought process of social innovation Social innovation: “A novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals” IICD assists civil society partners and beneficiaries in the process of ICT-based social innovation by a series of interventions How do we work?

Social innovation process 1. Local Ownership (OW) 2. Competency Development in ICT (CD) 3. Institutional Integration of ICT at organisation and sector levels (II) Facilitation of participatory identification & formulation 4. Joint learning, monitoring & evaluation of outputs, outcomes, impact & processes Support in knowledge sharing, lobby & policy formulation Advice on change management & alignment Coaching & training in social, technical & financial knowledge, skills and attitudes Adjusted strategies local partners & C4C partners

With whom do we work? Organizations at local level: producer groups hospitals, health facilities and communities, schools and training institutions Technical partners: International and national private sector and NGOs Partner organizations at national level: NGOs, churches, umbrella organizations Beneficiaries: Producers, Students, Patients, Citizens

Conclusion Kentaro Toyama: “ the value of a technology remains contingent on the motivations and abilities of organizations applying it— villagers must be organized, content must be produced, and instructors must be trained. The limiting factor in spreading impact is not how many camcorders its organizers can purchase or how many videos they can shoot, but how many groups are performing good agriculture extension in the first place. (…) In other words, disseminating technology is easy; nurturing human capacity and human institutions that put it to good use is the crux.” SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso