Revision session 2 Société multiculturelle. Petit test de vocabulaire immigrant immigrant host country host country Asylum Asylum Xenophobia Xenophobia.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Revision session 2 Société multiculturelle

Petit test de vocabulaire immigrant immigrant host country host country Asylum Asylum Xenophobia Xenophobia To flee To flee To be prejudiced To be prejudiced Asylum seeker Asylum seeker Customs, habits Customs, habits Way of life Way of life To welcome To welcome

Illegal immigration Illegal immigration Community Community Social background Social background To tolerate To tolerate To integrate To integrate Human rights Human rights By birth, pure bred By birth, pure bred moonlighting, illegal work moonlighting, illegal work Behaviour Behaviour foreign foreign

Ethnic diversity Ethnic diversity To improve To improve Cultural identity Cultural identity Banning Banning Wearing the veil Wearing the veil Roots Roots To feel excluded To feel excluded Of foreign origin Of foreign origin Racism Racism diversity diversity

Y a-t-il de la place pour les nouveaux immigrés européens? Il est temps de fermer la porte à ceux qui veulent venir des nouveaux pays membres européens. Ici il y a trop de chômage, pas assez de logement, pas assez dhôpitaux, pas assez décoles. On est complet, quoi! Ceux qui viennent dailleurs apportent quelque chose de différent et denrichissant à notre culture. Et puis ils ont des compétences dont nous avons besoin ici. Limmigration, cest bon pour léconomie et cest bon pour la société. A B

How to write up your plea Start off by announcing what point of view you have chosen: Jai choisi de défendre le point de vue A/B parce que selon moi, il est impossible de penser autrement. Start off by announcing what point of view you have chosen: Jai choisi de défendre le point de vue A/B parce que selon moi, il est impossible de penser autrement. Include lots of complex grammar features Include lots of complex grammar features Dont bother too much (yet) about recognising that the other point of view is valid – remember to develop all your ideas fully. If you have not mentionned a point, I am unable to raise it in the discussion later on. Dont bother too much (yet) about recognising that the other point of view is valid – remember to develop all your ideas fully. If you have not mentionned a point, I am unable to raise it in the discussion later on. Put your strongest arguments first – that way if you run out of time youll still have something to say. Be to the point: dont faff about and get cut short without having developed all your arguments. Put your strongest arguments first – that way if you run out of time youll still have something to say. Be to the point: dont faff about and get cut short without having developed all your arguments.

Nice features Subjunctive, passive, si sentences (as seen in the last revision sentence Subjunctive, passive, si sentences (as seen in the last revision sentence Adverbs! Absolument, totalement, effectivement (indeed), malheureusement, étonnamment (surprisingly), vraiment, évidemment (indeed), naïvement, extrêmement, complètement, parfaitement, etc… Adverbs! Absolument, totalement, effectivement (indeed), malheureusement, étonnamment (surprisingly), vraiment, évidemment (indeed), naïvement, extrêmement, complètement, parfaitement, etc… Remember to use a vous form throughout, as an exam is a formal speaking occasion, even if you use a tu form in class normally. Remember to use a vous form throughout, as an exam is a formal speaking occasion, even if you use a tu form in class normally.