Les verbes -re. You have already learned the conjugation for regular –er verbs. You are now going to learn the conjugation for regular –re verbs. Do not.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les verbes -re

You have already learned the conjugation for regular –er verbs. You are now going to learn the conjugation for regular –re verbs. Do not forget you must first drop the –re to find the stem and then will add the endings to the stem.

The endings je s tus ilnothing ellenothing onnothing nousons vousez ilsent ellesent

regular –re verbs attendreto wait for vendreto sell entendreto hear perdreto lose rendreto return (to give back) répondre (à)to answer rendre visite à to visit

Attendre- to wait for jattends tu attends il attend elle attend on attend nous attendons vous attendez ils attendent elles attendent Notice the il, elle, and on forms do not add anything to the stem.

I am waiting for my friend at the café. Jattends mon amie au café. The students are answering questions. Les élèves répondent aux questions. My mother is not selling her car. Ma mère ne vend pas sa voiture.