Les Adjectifs. You will add the following depending upon which gender the noun has. M – add nothing F – add an e Mpl – add an s Fpl – add an es The adjective.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les Adjectifs

You will add the following depending upon which gender the noun has. M – add nothing F – add an e Mpl – add an s Fpl – add an es The adjective will usually follow the noun.

He is a funny teacher. Il est un professeur marrant. We have a black car. Nous avons une voiture noire. You have short hair. Tu as les cheveux courts.

There are several irregular adjectives. They have different patterns. The following are the irregulars.

MASCFEMMAS PLFEM PL sérieuxsérieusesérieuxsérieuses heureuxheureuseheureuxheureuses délicieuxdélicieusedélicieuxdélicieuses

MASCFEMMAS PLFEM PL longlonguelongslongues favorifavoritefavorisfavorites blancblancheblancsblanches

MASCFEMMAS PLFEM PL actifactiveactifsactives sportifsportivesportifssportives grosgrossegrosgrosses mignonmignonnemignonsmignonnes

MASCFEMMAS PLFEM PL gentilgentillegentilsgentilles canadiencanadiennecanadienscanadiennes bonbonnebonsbonnes quelquellequelsquelles

mascfem.masc. plfem pl. cher (expensive) chèrecherschères entier (entire) entièreentiersentières premier (first) premièrepremierspremières

MASFEMmas before vowel MASC PLFEM PL beaubellebelbeauxbelles nouveaunouvellenouvelnouveauxnouvelles vieuxvieillevieilvieuxvieilles

Pay attention to the irregular changes for the adjectives. Notice there are some patterns. As you have noticed, most adjectives come after the noun except:BANGS

Beauty Age Number Goodness Size Adjectives that fall into these categories will come before the noun. Des becomes De before an adjective.

They are some good friends. Ils sont de bons amis. Animal Farm is my favorite novel. Animal Farm est mon roman favori. His friend is a kind girl. Son amie est une gentille fille.