Saying ‘my’ in French.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Saying ‘my’ in French

masculine feminine plural What’s the problem? How we say ‘my’ in French changes. It changes depending on whether the word which follows it is: masculine feminine plural or….

What does that mean ? Most nouns, or ‘things’ in French, are ‘masculine.’ Most ‘feminine’ words end in ‘e’. Most plural words in French end in ‘s’, but some end in ‘aux’.

Here are some examples. le stylo (masculine). the pen le professeur (masculine). un crayon (masculine). un lapin (masculine). la gomme (feminine). la tortue (feminine). une règle (feminine). une souris (feminine). les stylos (plural {m}). deux gommes (plural {f}). les animaux (plural {m}). the pen the teacher a pencil a rabbit the rubber the tortoise a ruler a mouse the pens two rubbers the animals

Masculine Feminine Plural Recognising masculine, feminine and plural words. Masculine Feminine Plural ‘le’ or ‘un’. ‘la’ or ‘une’ & may end in ‘e’. ‘les’, or ‘des’, or a number (‘deux’) & end in ‘s’ or ‘aux’

masculine feminine plural Remember, how we say ‘my’ in French changes depending on whether the word which follows it is: masculine feminine plural

mon ma mes Here is how it changes. Masculine Feminine Plural Mon cahier my exercise book Mon copain my friend (male friend). Ma gomme my rubber Ma copine my friend (female friend). Mes stylos my pens Mes copains my friends (male or mixed group).

Translate the following with the correct form of ‘my’. Now give these a go ! Translate the following with the correct form of ‘my’. my rubber. my ruler my friend (male) my pens my animals my teacher my parents my cat ma gomme. ma règle. mon copain. mes stylos. mes animaux. mon professeur. mes parents. mon chat. …Bravo !!

Translate these phrases into French So try these too ! Translate these phrases into French I listen to my teacher. I arrive at my school. I work on my computer. I write in my exercise book. I read my book. I talk with my friends. I play with my friends. I play with my dog J’écoute mon professeur J’arrive à mon école. Je travaille à mon ordinateur. J’écris dans mon cahier. Je lis mon livre. Je parle avec mes copains. Je joue avec mes copains. Je joue avec mon chien. …Well done !!

Saying ‘your’, ‘his’, and ‘her’.

masculine feminine plural How we say ‘your’, ‘his’ and ‘her’ also change in French, depending on whether the word which follows it is: masculine feminine plural

It changes in the same way as ‘my’. masculine feminine plural my mon ma mes your ton ta tes his / her son sa ses

Here are some examples. mon stylo (masculine). my pen ton professeur (masculine). son crayon (masculine). ma gomme (feminine). ta tortue (feminine). sa règle (feminine). mes stylos (plural {m}). tes gommes (plural {f}). ses animaux (plural {m}). my pen your teacher his (her) pencil my rubber your tortoise his (her) ruler my pens your rubbers his /her animals

Translate the following. Now give these a go ! Translate the following. her rubber. your ruler my friend (male) your pens her animals your teacher his parents her cat sa gomme. ta règle. mon copain. tes stylos. ses animaux. ton professeur. ses parents. son chat. …Bravo !!

Translate these phrases into French So try these too ! Translate these phrases into French He listens to his teacher. You arrive at your school. She works on her computer. I write in your exercise book. You read my book. She talks with her friends. I play with his friends. You play with my dog il ecoute son professeur Tu arrives a ton college. Elle travaille a son ordinateur. J’ecris dans ton cahier. Tu lis mon livre. Elle parle avec ses copains. Je joue avec ses copains. Tu joues avec mon chien. …Well done !!

That’s all folks !!