Chapitre 4. AVOIR – to have JaiNous avons Tu asVous avez Il aIls ont Elle aElles ont.


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French Possessive Adjectives
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Il y a quelques adjectifs qui sont irréguliers.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3A.2-1 Point de départ In both English and French, possessive adjectives express ownership or possession.
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Les Adjectifs qui Précèdent le Nom
Transcription de la présentation:

Chapitre 4

AVOIR – to have JaiNous avons Tu asVous avez Il aIls ont Elle aElles ont

Uses of avoir Avoir is used to mean have and has Avoir is used to express how old you are. –The French say I have 5 years not I am 5 years old. Jai 5 ans. Avoir is used to express hunger and thirst. –The French say I have hunger and I have thirst not I am thirsty.

Possessive Adjectives Ma, mon, mes myNotre, nosour Ta, ton, tes yourVotre, vosyour Sa, son, seshis/herLeur, leurstheir

Rules for Usage Possessive adjectives are like other French adjectives- they agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. –My bookmon livre –My booksmes livres –My chairma chaise –My chairsmes chaises However: when the singular noun begins with a vowel, the masculine form is used. Mon amimon amiemes amismes amies

Irregular adjectives The adjectives old, new and pretty all are placed before the noun they modify. They are highly irregular in their forms. m.f. m. m. f. before a vowel vieux vieille vieil vieux vieilles nouveau nouvelle nouvel nouveaux nouvelles beau belle bel beaux belles