Le Passé Composé is a verb form used to describe things that happened in the past. Note the following examples: Jai acheté un jean. Marc a choisi une.


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Le passé composé avec avoir
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Les Cartes de Grammaire
The present tense.
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LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ Describing events that took place in the past.
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B Le passé composé des verbes en -er
Unité 12 Le passé Composé. AVOIR comme verbe auxiliaire Most verbs will use a present tense form of AVOIR as the auxiliary (helping) verb. Reminder of.
Le passé composé. Le passé composé is a verb tense used to discuss completed events in the past. This tense is composed of 2 words: A helping verb (avoir.
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AVOIR Quick review of the conjugation of the verb AVOIR  J’ai  tu as  Il/elle a  Nous avons  Vous avez  Ils/ells ont.
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The perfect tense With avoir verbs An Gulinck. The perfect tense or passé composé is a past tense. We use this tense to mention what you have done in.
Transcription de la présentation:

Le Passé Composé is a verb form used to describe things that happened in the past. Note the following examples: Jai acheté un jean. Marc a choisi une veste. Nous avons attendu nos amis.

The passé composé consists of two words. For most verbs, the passé composé is formed using the present tense of avoir + the past participle of the verb. Present of avoir + past participle Ex. Jai visité Cincinnati. Nous avons travaillé au centre commercial.

The past participle of regular verbs ending in -er, -ir, and -re is formed by using the root of the verb (verb with infinitive ending crossed off) as shown below:

Dites ce que les gens suivants ont fait pendant le weekend. Théo Etienne Robert Marc Vous Nous