L1:CH8 EXERCICES. EXERCICE 1: WHOLE / PART 1. some yogurts: 2. a loaf of bread: 3. some bananas: 4. part of a guava: 5. some chicken: 6. a whole yogurt:


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Transcription de la présentation:


EXERCICE 1: WHOLE / PART 1. some yogurts: 2. a loaf of bread: 3. some bananas: 4. part of a guava: 5. some chicken: 6. a whole yogurt: 7. part of a potato: 8. some rice: 9. an apple: 10. a tomato:

EXERCICE 2: NEEDS, PART & WHOLE 1. I need a whole chicken. 2. You (informal) need some oranges. 3. We need a fish. 4. They (m) need some sugar. 5. You (formal) need some milk.

EXERCICE 2: NEEDS, PART & WHOLE 6. He needs a pie. 7. She needs some cake. 8. They (f) don’t need any flour. 9. I don’t need any jam. 10. You (informal) don’t need any bread.

EXERCICE 3: REQUESTS & COMMANDS Create a conversation with two other students. One son / daughter, two parents Parents ask child to get them certain items Child agrees or makes excuses You can write it out or improvise! In front of the class in 5 minutes.

EXERCICE 4: POUVOIR 1. I can sing. 2. She can dance. 3. We can take out the trash. 4. They (boys) can mow the lawn. 5. You (informal) can clean the house.

EXERCICE 4: POUVOIR 6. Dad can wash the car. 7. You (formal) can do the dishes. 8. I can vacuum. 9. We can do the shopping. 10. You (informal) can clean your room.

EXERCICE 5: QUANTITIES 1. We want a bottle of milk. 2. I want a slice of cake. 3. She wants two kilograms of potatoes. 4. You (formal) want some pie. 5. They (girls) want a pound of pears. 6. I want a bottle of water.

EXERCICE 6: En with de 1. Nous mangeons des pommes. 2. Il va prendre du gâteau. 3. Je veux des ananas. 4. Il ne veut pas de carrotes. 5. Vous voulez des pommes. 6. Nous allons manger des fraises.

EXERCICE 6: EN with de 7. Il prend des citrons. 8. On ne mange pas de la farine. 9. Il ne veut pas de café. 10. Vous prenez du beurre? 11. Nous ne prenons pas de beurre.

EXERCICE 7: UN DÎNER DIFFICILE Anne is hosting a dinner party with some guests with dietary restrictions. Create a menu with food items that not all guests will be able to enjoy. Create a script in which the host offers foods to the guests. Have the guests accept and reject the foods they can and cannot eat.

EXERCICE 7: UN DÎNER DIFFICILE – You are lactose-intolerant (no dairy). – Lucie is a vegan (no animal products). – Olivier can’t have gluten (wheat products). – Berenice is allergic to foods with seeds. – Remember… – The host will offer foods some guests can eat, and some that they cannot. – Include a menu with some conflicts! – You have five minutes!

EXERCICE 8: EN 1. Je voudrais cinq bouteilles d’eau. 2. Elle va prendre quatre kilogrammes de pommes. 3. Je ne veux pas trois ananas. 4. Ils ne vont pas prendre d’oeufs.

EXERCICE 9: EN with numbers & quantities 1. Tu manges trois poires. 2. Vous prenez cinq bananes. 3. Je prends vingt champignons. 4. Elle va manger une livre de confiture. 5. Vous voulez une boîte de coca?

EXERCICE 9: EN with numbers & quantities 6. Nous allons acheter cinq goyaves. 7. Je prends trois bananes. 8. Tu veux une litre de lait? 8. Je vais prendre un morceau de porc. 10. Je prend deux pommes.