Allocation enfant à charge Frais d’education


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NB/ Allocation enfant à charge Frais d’education.
Transcription de la présentation:

Allocation enfant à charge Frais d’education Good afternoon, My name is Nadège BORDON and I will give you some information about Child and Infant allowances and Education fees.

ALLOCATION ENFANTS A CHARGE DROITS Pour tous les titulaires et boursiers dès la naissance de l’enfant ou le début du contrat 456 CHF / mois / enfant CONDITIONS D’ATTRIBUTION Jusqu’à 20 ans : enfant doit être célibataire et ne doit pas être titulaire d’un CONTRAT DE TRAVAIL Enfants entre 20 et 25 ans : obligation de POURSUIVRE DES ETUDES à plein temps ( certificat de scolarité à fournir au début de chaque année scolaire) Let me first explain child allowance. What are you entitled to? Staff members and Fellows receive a child allowance each month for each child as from the birth or the start of your contract at Cern. The amount of this allowance is currently 456 CHF (Four hundred and fifty six swiss francs). You will receive the allowance with your salary. If you have a problem, please inform us. Payement of child allowance is subject to the following conditions : Your child must not be married and not have a contract of employment An additional obligation applies to children between the age of 20 and 25 : they must be studying full-time

ALLOCATION PETITE ENFANCE (0 à 3 ans) Pour tous les titulaires et boursiers = 206 CHF/ mois / enfant - Enfants de 0 à 3 ans - Payée en plus de l’allocation pour enfant à charge - A partir de 3 ans : remboursement des frais scolaires Another type of allowance is the infant allowance : If you have children younger than 3 years old, you will also receive with your salary an infant allowance. The amount of this allowance is 206 CHF (Two hundred six swiss francs) each month and for each child. It is paid in addition to the dependent child allowance. The payment of this allowance will automatically stop when the child reaches the age of 3. As from this moment, the right to reimbursment of school fees will start.

Titulaires non bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale FRAIS D’EDUCATION Deux systèmes différents : Titulaires non bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale Titulaires bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale + Boursiers There are two different systems concerning school fees reimbursements : The first for Staff members who are not beneficiary of the international indemnity And the second for Staff members who are beneficiary of the international indemnity and all the Fellows For the part concerning Staff member who are not beneficiary of the international indemnity I will speak in French. Then I will speak in English for Staff who are beneficiary of the international indemnity and Fellows.

Titulaires non bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale Etudes de la Maternelle au secondaire Remboursement des frais d’inscription (qui doivent être acquittées en vertu du statut fiscal) Etudes post-secondaires Ecole locale (moins de 20km) : 75% des frais de scolarité Plafond = 14492 CHF Ecole non locale (plus de 20km et Etats membres) : Forfait logement 3 voyages A/R en 2 ans Plafond = 16809 CHF Limites - Age : 3 - 25 ans - Maximum 3 remboursements / an - Prestations financières extérieures de même nature OBLIGATOIREMENT DEDUITES

Titulaires bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale + Boursiers Etudes de la Maternelle au secondaire Ecole locale (moins de 20km) : 75% des frais de scolarité Plafond = 14492 CHF Ecole non locale (Etat d’origine du membre du personnel seulement) : Forfait logement 3 voyages A/R en 2 ans Plafond = 16809 CHF Now I will come to english to explain the rules for the reimbursement of schoolfees for Staff who are beneficiary of the international indemnity and the fellows. For studies from nursery school to secondary education, you are entitled to the reimbursement of 75% of schoolfees, until a ceiling of 14492 CHF The school must be in the local area. We define the local area as a 20km circle around Cern or around your place of residence. If the school is not in the local area, we will also reimburse the education fees but only if the school is situated in your country of origin. In addition you will be entitled to a lumpsum for acomodation and travelling expenses under certain conditions. The ceiling in that case is 16809 CHF.

Titulaires bénéficiaires de l’indemnité internationale + Boursiers Etudes post-secondaires Ecole locale (moins de 20km) : 75% des frais de scolarité Plafond = 14492 CHF Ecole non locale (plus de 20km et Etats membres) : Forfait logement 3 voyages A/R en 2 ans Plafond = 16809 CHF Limites For post-secondary education, the studies can take place anywhere in the member states, but not outside (So far exemple, if your child go to the university in the USA, Cern will not reimburses anything). If the school is situated in the local area, Cern reimburses 75% of school fees, until the ceiling of 14492 CHF. If the school is outside the local area. Cern reimburses 75% of school fees, a lumpsum for accomodation and travelling expenses under certain conditions. Until the ceiling of 16809 CHF. Reimbursement is subject to certain conditions : The child must be between 3 and 25 years old You can claim a maximum of three reimbursements per year and per child. So please group your bills so that you claim not more than 3 reimbursements per year. Any benefits received from outside sources will be deducted (exemple : grants…) - Age : 3 - 25 ans - Maximum 3 remboursements / an - Prestations financières extérieures de même nature OBLIGATOIREMENT DEDUITES

QUESTIONS ? DAO (Secrétariat de Département) If you have any other questions concerning the reimbursement of school fees, please contact your department secretary who is used to dealing with school fee enquiries. Please do not hesitate to consult School Fees Web page. I will also come back at the end of the afternoon to answer your questions. Bureau : 33-1-017