Chapter 6 Lesson 7 Essential Questions: How can you ask for information about the bank, pharmacy, and post office?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Chapter 6 Lesson 7 Essential Questions: How can you ask for information about the bank, pharmacy, and post office?

Translate the following sentences. 1. Let’s go to the movies! 2. [Marine] Go to the pharmacy. 3. [Eric and Luc] Finish your homework. 4. Listen, Théo; if you are hungry, eat. 5. Louis, don’t go out; it’s raining. 1.2

Vocabulaire Holt p handouts

Dialog Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire où il y a une poste? La poste est près la banque sur rue Anna. Merci Bonjour. Bonjour. C’est combien pour envoyer ce colis aux États-Unis? C’est treize Euros. Dites-moi, est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes de crédit? Oui, bien sûr!

Où est-ce que je vais? J’ai un rhume. Il me faut retirer de l’argent. J’ai mal à la tête. Je dois acheter une carte téléphonique. J’ai besoin de déposer de l’argent.

Products and perspectives Télécarte The only form of payment accepted in France’s phone booths is a télécarte phone card. These cards are available at cafés, tobacco shops, post offices, and at France Télécom stores. The cards are often decorated with art or historical information. The earliest cards, designed to commemorate special events in France, are today considered collectors'’ items. In Paris, there is a collectors’ market for télécartes at the Rond Point des Champes Élysées. 2.2

France Télécom


Comparisons Les médicaments en France Tu es en visite en France et tu vas faire une randonnée de deux semaines dans les Alpes. Tu as besoin d’emporter une petite trousse de premiers soins (aspirine, désinfectant, pansement, etc.) À l’épicerie Au supermarché À la pharmacie 4.2

Comparisons Les médicaments en France Tu es en visite en France et tu vas faire une randonnée de deux semaines dans les Alpes. Tu as besoin d’emporter une petite trousse de premiers soins (aspirine, désinfectant, pansement, etc.) À l’épicerie Au supermarché À la pharmacie 4.2

La pharmacie

Comparisons In French grocery stores, you can buy many things, but they’re primarily food-related. Grocery stores don’t sell over-the-counter drugs like aspirin, allergy medicine, or cold remedies. French supermarkets, like American supermarkets, do sell health and beauty items such as toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, but they do not sell drugs. For drugs, the only place where you can go is the pharmacie. When you shop at a pharmacie you must usually ask the pharmacien to locate those items for you. 4.2

Et toi? What is the difference about the way medicines are sold in France compared to the U.S.? What other types of French stores are different in the U.S.? How do they differ? 4.2

Compare and contrast Recently the World Health Organization recognized France as being the top nation in the world in providing universal healthcare for its citizens. In France, all citizens and legal residents can go to any doctor, dentist, or hospital of their choice. All medical treatments are assigned a set fee. Practitioners that follow the set fee (97% do) are called conventionnés. 4.2

Compare and contrast The State Healthcare covers 70% of the bill and patients are left to cover the rest. Supplemental insurance policies, called “top ups”, are widely available. How does our healthcare program compare? 4.2

Group work The class divides into three groups and chooses a location (la pharmacie, la poste, la banque). Each group will research ten additional words related to their location and prepare to teach the words to the class. 1.3