Les numéros à 1000 LEARNING TO COUNT TO 1000
Do you know from 1-20? The basis for counting to 1000 is knowing the numbers from 1-20 unneufdix-sept deuxdixdix-huit troisonzedix-neuf quatredouzevingt cinqtreize sixquatorzeSO IMPORTANT TO LEARN YOUR SPELLING septquinze huitseize
Numbers to 70 Once you know your tens (20, 30, 40, 50, 60) And your numbers 1-9 You are able to count to 70. NOTE: 21, 31, 41, 51, 61 All use “et un” instead of connecting with a hyphen. vingt et un 21quarante et un41soixante et un61 trente et un31cinquante et un51
Numbers Here are your tens (70, 80, 90, 100) Soixante-dix70 Quatre-vingts80 Quatre-vingt-dix90 Cent100 Deux cents200
70-79 This is where you need to know your numbers soixante et onze71soixante-seize76 soixante-douze72soixante-dix-sept77 soixante-treize73soixante-dix-huit78 soixante-quatorze74soixante-dix-neuf79 soixante-quinze75
NOW YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT MATH…….. 4X20 Quatre-vingts80Quatre-vingt-sept87Quatre-vingt-quatorze94 Quatre-vingt-un81Quatre-vingt-huit88Quatre-vingt-quinze95 Quatre-vingt-deux82Quatre-vingt-neuf89Quatre-vingt-seize96 Quatre-vingt-trois83Quatre-vingt-dix90Quatre-vingt-dix-sept97 Quatre-vingt-quatre84Quatre-vingt-onze91Quatre-vingt-dix-huit98 Quatre-vingt-cinq85Quatre-vingt-douze 92Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf99 Quatre-vingt-six86Quatre-vingt-treize 93Cent100