ExCom LG / CTR / Back on Track 25/07/2013. Agenda CTR BoT  CTR evolution versus actions  Weekly progress report  Global schedule overview 2.


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Transcription de la présentation:

ExCom LG / CTR / Back on Track 25/07/2013

Agenda CTR BoT  CTR evolution versus actions  Weekly progress report  Global schedule overview 2

Omniture bug Overstatement of the CTR of +/- 10 points Evolution of the CTR versus lg.com action plan 3 Beginning of summer sales Go logs repaired on IE7 (adblockers + social buttons) Tags deactivation (24h) Go splash screen deactivation Deployment of the new top search refresh script Loss of Amazon feeds Deactivation of W8 splash screen

Main achievements (W 31-34)Next steps (W 35) Technique Fixes for Ipad : In progress (deadline scheduled on 4 th of September) Deactivation of W8 splash screens : Impact on CTR is expected around +10 points (50% > 60%) Go links restorations on Firefox (adblocker blocks “zanox“ domain): In progress Deployment of the “IPAD fixes” Finalization of test campaigns Market Delivery of the WP1 developments (new result pages + new header) : Tests and rollout WP1 Work with external agency postponed (due to Zeus priority) Validation of the WP2 scope and roadmap Content Client w/o feed (25% completed): 40 new feeds received (7% of the global list) 17 contract terminated (3% of the global list) Deployment of the global number of offers alert system (Live this week) Maintain efforts on follow up campaigns Categorisation audit > quality, CTR, RANI. Traffi c SEO / SEM analysis in progress Progress Report

Project overview ActionsW 28W 29W 30W 31W 32W 33W 34W 35W 36W 37W 38 Product WP 1 WP 2 Technique Tests Dev./Fix Go pages Content Clts w/o feeds Clt Feed decre. Clt not in all sites Top search refr. Categorisation Omniture (KPI) Traffic Deduplication SEM analysis SEO analysis A/B tests 5 Design Tests Browsers, OS, devices, adblockers, antivirus 25%75% benchmark of RANI categorisation Manual fixes and improvements Per category analysis 50% Reliable KPI OURS Marketing Front Office QA Sales Content Search Engine Operations Design OptimizationAnalysis Fixes and improvementsSanity check Adblocker/antivirus Developments

Sharing findings on traffic quality Competition Lost of position in the 1 st page  See chart Lost of LG KW against Google shopping  April 24%, June 39%, July 41% 6

Competition Twenga 7

Evolution of KW positions on Google against Twenga (june vs Jul) 63 K KW where Twenga is before LG on LG KW on 1 st GG page (see details) Average distance between Twenga / LG is 7 Per cat analysis in progress Samples  Blazer chez leguide Blazer chez leguide  Blazer chez Twenga Blazer chez Twenga 8 Row LabelsCount of Keyword Grand Total63288

Big clients Clicks analysis (Aug 12 vs June 13) 9

Click Invoicing ratio decrease during the month 10

comparing Jul13 vs Jul12 KW : TS seems more long tail /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Filtre+aspirateur+lg+vc9083cl/ org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Corioliss+/s/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Album+photo+13x18/org/3/t/ 1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Climatiseur%20a%20condensat ion/org/3/t/1/ htm?utm_source=ads&utm_medium=cpc& utm_campaign=1 /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Climatiseur+a+condensation/or g/3/t/1/ htm?utm_source=ads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_c ampaign=1 /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Vanne+pour+filtre+a+sable/org /3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Valise+rigide+ultra+legere/org/ 3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Etui+xperia+tipo/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Cartouche+weltico+c6/org/3/t /1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Etui+xperia+tipo/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Virago+750/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Compteur+altimetre+velo/org/ 3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/velo/org/3/t/1/ htm? utm_source=ads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1 /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Pare+choc+ford+escort/org/3/t /1/ 11 /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Bekafor/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Consoles+chene+massif/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Pulverisateur+vito/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Velo+de+route/org/3/t/1/ ht m /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Chauffage+bouteille+de+gaz/org/3/t/ 1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Vetement+cross/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/protection%20balcon/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Protection+balcon/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Velo+de+route/org/3/t/1/ ht m /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Coussins+fourrure/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Chinois/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Bibliotheque+design/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Crepiere%2Ba%2Bgaz/s/1/ ht m /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Crepiere+a+gaz/s/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Lag+t100/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Serviette+table+papier/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Support+tv+orientable/org/3/t/1/ htm /sb/leguide/recherche/str_MotCle/Bibliotheque+design/org/3/t/1/50

Conclusion Investigation still in progress but 2 CRITICAL threads identified :  on seo traffic  on traffic quality / CTR Potential Remedy & mitigation  invest in KW intelligence (essential for seo and sem) and accelerate reinvestment in LeGuide (will need probably de scoping of other projects or additional resources)  category mangt, product, brand, facets...  Client acquisition & loyalty strategy with incentive for more / better content  Competition  GS : be ready if EU follows our postition…  Twenga : give the complementary content nor core content 12