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Publié parHamon Boisseau Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Le 14 octobre Léchauffement: Complétez. 1. Un _______ à main 2. Une place _______ fenêtre 3. Le _______ de sécurité 4. Une __________ de lair 5. Le personnel de _________ Lobjectif: Les élèves vont apprendre quel et tout. Les devoirs: Feuille
Forms of the Definite Article In English, the definite article is always the. In French, the definite article has four forms: le, la, l, les masculinefeminine Singularle (le livre)la (la règle) létudiantlétudiante Plural les les (les étudiants)(les étudiantes)
The form l is used before a singular noun of either gender beginning with a vowel or silent h. Lhommethe man In French, the article is expressed before each noun, even though it may be omitted in English. Les garcons et les fillesboys and girls Contractions with the definite article: The prepositions à (to, at) and de (from, about) contract with le and les. à + le = aude + le = du à + la (l) = à la (l)de + la (l) = de la (l) à + les = auxde + les = des
Indefinite articles The indefinite singular article in French corresponds to English a (an). It refers to beings and things not specifically identified. un – used before masculine singular nouns (un livre) une – used before feminine singular nouns (une règle)
Partitive articles The partitive article expresses an indefinite quantity or part of a whole (some, any). It is expressed in French by de + le, la, l du – used before masc. sing. nouns beginning with a consonant (du pain = some (any) bread) de la – used before fem. sing. nouns beginning with a consonant (de la viande = some (any) meat) de l – used before any singular noun beginning with a vowel (de largent = some (any) money)
Gender of nouns French nouns are either masculine or feminine. There are no general rules to determine the gender of all nouns but the gender of many nouns can be determined by their meaning or their ending. You must remember the gender of every noun we learn!
Gender of nouns Nouns that refer to males are masculine and nouns that refer to females are feminine. The gender of some nouns may be determined by their ending. MasculineFeminine -acle-ade-oire -age-ale-sion -al-ance-tion -eau-ence-ure -et-ette -ier-ie -isme-ique -ment
Tout (all, whole, every) The adjective tout precedes the noun and the definite article. Masc. sing.: tout (le monde – everybody) Fem. sing.: toute (la journée – all day) Masc. Pl.: tous (les jours – every day) Fem. Pl.: toutes (les filles – every girl)
Quel The interrogative adjectife quel (which? what?) agrees with the noun it modifies. Masc. sing.:Quel livre? Which book? Fem. sing.: Quelle fille?Which girl? Masc. Pl.:Quels livres?Which books? Fem. Pl.: Quelles filles?Which girls?
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