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L’impératif! (Commands)
L’impératif Use the imperative to give commands, tell people what to do, and make suggestions. Only exists in tu, vous, and nous forms. Omit the subject pronouns Jump! (Not “You jump!”)
Formation Most verbs use the PRESENT TENSE to form the imperative.
IR Verbs Finis les devoirs! Finissez les devoirs! Finissons les devoirs! 3 Translations?
-RE Verbs Attends! Attendez! Attendons! Faire Fais attention! Faites attention! Faisons attention!
There are two exceptions: -ER verbs and Aller.
--ER Verbs and Aller both drop the –S in the tu form. Etudier Etudie! Etudiez! Etudions! Aller Va en France! Allez en France! Allons en France!
Un petit test: Give two ways to say “Listen!” Say “ Let’s listen.”
Ecoute! Ecoutez! Ecoutons!
List examples of L’impératif you hear in class:
Two verbs are completely irregular in the imperative: être and avoir.
Sois calme. Soyez calme. Soyons calme. avoir Aie de la patience. Ayez de la patience. Ayons de la patience.
La forme négative Place the ne…pas around the conjugated verb.
Ne mange pas mon sandwich!
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