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Publié parClairene Bigot Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
EAEA L'EAEA... C'est quoi? ? C'est où? L'EAEA... pourquoi?
Comment ça marche? C'est qui? 1
Au fait, c'est quoi l'EAEA*?
Elle s'intéresse à l'éducation des adultes Elle se concentre sur un secteur non formel C'est une association de 130 membres, provenant de 41 pays, representant associations, touchant millions d'adultes chaque année 2
*EAEA: European Association for the Education of Adults
(Association européenne pour l'Education des adultes) 3
Comment et où travaille
l' EAEA ? Bureau exécutif 1 secretaire général(e) 4 bureaux ONG internationale Gérée par ses membres 4
Comment travaille l'EAEA ?
BRUXELLES Lobbying Politique Coordination HELSINKI Information Communication Publications MADRID co-ordination des projects Education des adultes dans la zone méditerranéenne BUDAPEST co-ordination des projets Education des adultes en Europe centrale et Europe de l'Est The work is outlined by the members at the annual General Assemblies. The board works with influencing policy in the European Union. EAEA also trains project managers in coordinating skills, preparing managers to deal with European project work. This is done through annual training courses Another task is to act as a network between the members, enhancing european- wide cooperation, and offering information, training and other services EAEA is constantly involved in various projects, as a partner, coordinator or consultant. EAEA also works in cooperation with other european actors such as the social platform on various issues 5
Que fait l'EAEA? influence les politiques
représente la société civile pour l'éducation des adultes au niveau européen fait vivre des réseaux assiste ses membres donne une visibilité à la formation des adultes travaille sur des projets fournit des informations sur l'éducation et l'apprentissage des adultes en Europe The work is outlined by the members at the annual General Assemblies. The board works with influencing policy in the European Union. EAEA also trains project managers in coordinating skills, preparing managers to deal with European project work. This is done through annual training courses Another task is to act as a network between the members, enhancing european- wide cooperation, and offering information, training and other services EAEA is constantly involved in various projects, as a partner, coordinator or consultant. EAEA also works in cooperation with other european actors such as the social platform on various issues 6
Que fait l'EAEA ? Participation à des projets
l'EAEA participate activement à des projets, comme coordinateur et comme partenaire. Description des projets et résultats disponibles sur: The work is outlined by the members at the annual General Assemblies. The board works with influencing policy in the European Union. EAEA also trains project managers in coordinating skills, preparing managers to deal with European project work. This is done through annual training courses Another task is to act as a network between the members, enhancing european- wide cooperation, and offering information, training and other services EAEA is constantly involved in various projects, as a partner, coordinator or consultant. EAEA also works in cooperation with other european actors such as the social platform on various issues projets ... 7
projets : * DOLCETA (Development of Online Consumer Education Tools for Adults) Développement d'outils “Education des Consommateurs en ligne » pour les adultes * INFOnet: Ressources en ligne * EDA EDU (System in Action for Study Circles in Vocational Training): mise en oeuvre de cercles d'études sur la formation professionelle
Que veut l' EAEA ? Promouvoir la formation des adultes
Développer l' accès et la participation aux formations pour adultes Influencer la politique européenne pour la formation des adultes Encourager les réseaux d'organismes voués à la formation aux adultes 9
Besoin de plus d'informations?
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter! Gina Ebner Secretaire Générale Bureau principal EAEA Rue de la Concorde 60 1050 Bruxelles Tel Fax The work is outlined by the members at the annual General Assemblies. The board works with influencing policy in the European Union. EAEA also trains project managers in coordinating skills, preparing managers to deal with European project work. This is done through annual training courses Another task is to act as a network between the members, enhancing european- wide cooperation, and offering information, training and other services EAEA is constantly involved in various projects, as a partner, coordinator or consultant. EAEA also works in cooperation with other european actors such as the social platform on various issues 11
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