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Feedback from Breakout Sessions Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting June 2012.

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1 Feedback from Breakout Sessions Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting June 2012

2 Key actions Engagement with internal stakeholders -board, management, employees, clients Engagement with external stakeholders -Government, regulators, central bank, public, MFIs, networks, investors, raters, SPTF, microfinance sector SWOT – assessment of gaps and opportunities Strategic/business plan – aligning to SPM; embedding in each department If you perform against the plan you will have implemented USSPM Product re-development Systems alignment – HR, internal audit, business appraisal etc to facilitate implemetnation Measurement: management information and outcomes for clients

3 Barriers Need to believe in benefit or just a burden – everyone Getting buy-in to drive the process Resistance to change Extent of changes potentially huge Challenge of measurement and reporting – overwhelming In some contexts reputation and belief in MF No space given pressure of current work/targets

4 MFI Actions Low hanging fruit – focus on small number of easy/high impact issues (use gap analysis)-> achieve - > inspire: prioritisation Allocate specific standards to different managers (implications for each department) Field staff need to know value of effort Monitoring of implementation Strengthen relationship with customers

5 Stakeholder support Networks: need to listen and be responsive to the needs of their members Investors: integrate USSPM into their approach; coordinate format for business plan and reporting; provide TA as well as money Regulation: already requires some stds in some countries – opportunities in others? Need way to benchmark/assess where you are (diagnostic) External facilitation needed – require list of providers Training for Boards Certification/rating

6 Next 3 – 6 months Gap analysis/SP assessment Discussion with Board & senior management Structure a plan for SPM Build staff commitment/training Revise staff incentives Client feedback Staff satisfaction Integrate into operational plans PPI External assessment/rating/certification Start with CP Documentation, national seminar, internal communication, selection of new Board member

7 Retours des Réseaux Francophones

8 Utilité des Standards Fixer un état des lieux, un cadre de référence pour un langage commun Définir une feuille de route Base pour l’appui des membres, – mais nécessité de fixer des priorités et de s’adapter à des situations différentes (national, IMF) Attention: pas encore gravé dans le marbre (pratiques), travailler sur la mise en oeuvre

9 Mise en oeuvre Diagnostic (feedback sur les standards, état des pratiques, standards difficiles) Sensibilisation => Adhésion, appropriation – IMF – Autorités – Régulation (travailler sur les processus plutôt qu’indicateurs) – Bailleurs Stratégies nationales (suivi social + actualisation) Accompagnement/ Plans d’action – “quick wins” / Priorités/ liens avec ratios prudentiels – Déclinaison Direction/ cadres intermédiaires/ agents de crédit

10 Besoins Diagnostic: questionnaire Sensibilisation: – Argumentaire – Intégration des standards dans le matériel (diapo, Formation, etc.) POUR TOUS (sptf + membres) Accompagnement: identifier les “quick wins” Régulation: partager des données sociales Coordination entre les acteurs/ inscription des actions en ligne avec les Standards => langage commun – Cerise, Cgap, DID, EDM, Grameen Foundation, Imp-Act, Mision Africa, Mix, Oikocredit, Planetfinance, Terrafina, Seep, Sp start-up fund, etc.

11 Résultats attendus (1 an) Contact avec les autorités Adhésion des pouvoirs publics, des réseaux, des IMF Expérimentation (les “quick wins” + travail en cours dans le cadre des Standards – exemple des Conventions collectives en Afrique de l’Ouest) Echanges des meilleurs expériences pour guider l’implémentation des pratiques essentielles des standards

12 Social Performance Working Group for Networks platform for collective action to advance social performance, 50+ national, regional, and global networks pages-217.php pages-217.php Report back to Plenary- Action Plan June 7, 2012

13 Priority Actions Reflected on how the Standards are useful in our work Identified 16 distinct action items for next 12 months Prioritized the top 6 Identified the support needed from other stakeholder groups.

14 Top 6 Locally driven communications campaign to promote local ownership and buy in of Standards. Engagement with local network boards (MFI leaders). Review of network strategy to incorporate SP. Prioritize Standards according to local needs to better target support to members Organize local multi-stakeholder meetings/ committees to promote local dialogue and leadership. Create action plan for network for implementation of Standards. Conduct organizational diagnostics using Standards framework to highlight good practices, focus future technical support, and promote knowledge sharing.

15 What is needed from others Support the leadership of local networks. Networks as focal point. International actors, donors, investors need to coordinate country- level activities in SP with local networks to ensure consistent messaging, avoid duplication of efforts, ensure responsiveness to locally detected needs and perspectives, support a coherent process for industry building.

16 What is needed from others? International entities with local presence including affiliates of global networks should inform staff of role/ plans of local networks to ensure coordination and collaboration. Support in development, sharing of effective marketing strategies/ materials Access to social audit tools that are aligned with Standards

17 What is needed from others? Training of local staff in capacity building tools and services Alignment of messages to local MFIs from different stakeholders (investors, donors, technical assistance provider, and networks Regional representatives from networks play advocacy/ ambassador role to other national networks and their membership on behalf of SPTF.

18 What is needed from others? Support in accessing/ implementing appropriate data collection tools Donors/ technical assistance providers working with local MFIs should avoid “project focus” approaches and support more institutionalization.

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