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Transcription de la présentation:


I. Laboratory - Extract from monthly report Nov 2015 From the beginning, we have produced 8,479 plantlets in total. The objective of Hà in December 2015 : plantlets -Reintroduction is awaited. -New varieties of plants will be studied. -Hà comments Multiplier des plantes qui correspondent à des besoins réels. Qu’on peu revendre. Il faut bien réflechir et étudier les plants qu’on multiplie. Pas d’insecte, mais on a des problèmes causés par les champignons. Melon : besoin de beaucoup d’eau, appauvrit beaucoup la terre, il faut passer à autre chose. Altitude : plants beaucoup moins attaqué qu’en basse vallée Kệ I Kệ II Kệ III, IV Kệ VKệ VI Kệ thuần Nhà ươm Loại 1Loại 2ABAB Số lượng bình- hộp Tổng số mẫu

I. Banana project -Banana technicians will come today (Monday) -Available harvest : less than 1,5tons (project in charge of the transport) -Fertilization, manure application and maintenance Ok in the field A, B, C -Visit of Hang’s son field scheduled before Christmas -DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM : 27 families with 6-6,5 hectares are ok to set the system. A meeting about point of views and operational settling will be held on Saturday or next Tuesday. -Civic and technic information panels at the entrance to prevent from deteriotaion and theft and to announce main information (+ announcement during group meetings) -Dung’s comments (si c’est nous qui transportons, combien) (tuyau principal coupé, inquiet combien de familles sont concernées, 27 familles : mécontentement il faudrait connaitre. Dans les plus de 200 familles, il y a des grandes familles, petites familles: lorsqu’on voit, ce sont les responsables). 1 famille, y a des parents qui sont ensemble. Les jeunes travaillent avec les

I. SRI project - Harvest results of Mrs Nga Dung : 320 kg of dried rice (5 bags) on 450m² 7,111 kg/hectare -School field SRI : running negociation -Dung’s comments

I. Compost project/Other ST -Running follow-up visits to Kinh families in compost project -New K’ho participants to composting -Almost ready participants to making vegetable garden -Sen’s comments

II. Project ending preparation -Security stock post Indoor/Outdoor materials for laboratory : 12M -Chemical fertilizers : 74M (expenses on 15 Jan: 183M) -Manure : 26M (expenses on 15 Jan: 64M) -Laboratory : -Drip Irrigation € as contingency reserve (153M) -Use for mechanical pump (104M) + Drip irrigation (49M) -Planning : -Meeting of Board of Directors about project ending (Mon 21 Dec 2015) -General meeting (drip irrigation,3rd season of banana culture,economic development with autonomous perspective) (28 Dec-3 Jan 2016) -Material inventory (Tue 12 Jan 2016) -General survey (economic-social-project impact) (4-10 Jan 2016) -General meeting with the team (opinion, evaluation, post-project) (Wed 13 Jan 2016) UnitCostTotal VND NET CONSOLIDATED TURNOVER (Revenue) 5,00010,000 50,000,000 PURCHASE OF SURGEONS for transformation 00 0 GROSS MARGIN 50,000,000 Môi trường (khoảng 100 lít)/ Milieux (environ 50 litres) 1005, ,000 Bầu đất/sacs de terreau 5500,000 2,500,000 Công đóng bầu, chăm sóc/ main-d'œuvre pour préparer les sacs de terreau, entretenir les plants 5200,000 1,000,000 Điện nước / l'électricité, l'eau 44,500,000 18,000,000 Fertilizers for young plants (DAP) 2200, ,000 Fongicids for young plants (fungus) 2200, ,000 Logistic EXTERNAL EXPENSES 22,850,000 OPERATING SUB-RESULTS 27,150,000 Hà Salary 66,000,000 36,000,000 NET RESULTS after taxes -8,850,000