Créée en 1951 OIM: Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations
L ’OIM et les six secteurs de service
LES SECTEURS DE SERVICE Mouvements Migrations et santé Lutte contre la traite Information Réinstallations IOM's programmes are divided into six Service Areas: Assisted Returns, Counter-Trafficking, Migration Health, Movement, Mass Information, and Technical Cooperation on Migration. Each Service Area is also tasked with ensuring that gender is taken into account when designing projects. This presentation will continue by giving you an example or two under each Service Area of IOM projects which incorporate a gender dimension. Coopération technique DE LA POLITIQUE A LA PRATIQUE
L’AIDE A LA REINSTALLATION Mise en place de moyens techniques Assistance avant le départ, transport et assistance à l’arrivée Traitement des migrants irréguliers, des migrants en transit, des étudiants abandonnés et des demandeurs d’asile déboutés The Assisted Returns Service is responsible for setting standards and policies, as well as establishing support mechanisms for return activities. IOM provides pre-departure, transportation and post-arrival assistance to rejected asylum-seekers, migrants in an irregular situation, migrants stranded in transit, stranded students, refugees and temporarily protested persons after protection has been lifted. L ’AIDE A LA REINSTALLATION
LUTTE CONTRE LA TRAITE DES ETRES HUMAINS Prévention de la traite Assistance aux victimes, protection des victimes potentielles The Counter-Trafficking Service Area focuses on the growing global problem of trafficking in migrants and especially trafficking in women and children for exploitation. It develops global and regional strategies to inform potential victims of the dangers of trafficking, and trains government officials to prevent and address the consequences of trafficking. To achieve this, it develops information and training campaigns. LUTTE CONTRE LA TRAITE DES ETRES HUMAINS
MIGRATIONS ET SANTE Examens médicaux Conseil, appui technique, suivi et évaluation The Migration Health Service Area supports IOM's medical programmes worldwide by providing technical advice, policy and standard setting. It seeks to respond to the constantly changing health needs of migrants, for example, the control of infectious diseases and migration health education programmes. In doing so, it cooperates with a large number of government authorities and other organizations. Mise en place de standards MIGRATIONS ET SANTE
MOUVEMENTS Transports Réinstallations Expérience et retour opérationnel sur les missions dans les Etats The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation. MOUVEMENTS
STATISTIQUES SUR LES MOUVEMENTS En 2000 : 350.945 personnes ont été transportées (jusque fin septembre) Of all IOM movements, almost 50% of migrants are women. To describe the figures involved, in 1999 IOM moved a total of more than 270,000 migrants. MOUVEMENTS
MOUVEMENTS 2000 Hommes Femmes Répartition par sexe et par groupe d ’âge 19.578 17.423 16.008 15.897 14.232 16.001 13.599 12.075 6.952 6.212 2.980 2.762 The chart breaks down IOM movements in 1999 by age and gender. 3.324 3.396 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 > 60 ans Hommes Femmes
INFORMATION DE MASSE Prévention de la traite des êtres humains “Vérités” sur les réalités de la migration Droits des migrants The Mass Information Service Area establishes policy, guidelines and procedures for the dissemination of information to countries and target groups in the effects of migration, including the realities of irregular migration and possibilities for regular migration. This Service Area supports IOM Field Offices in providing expertise and reviewing the content of information campaigns for consistency. INFORMATION DE MASSE
COOPERATION TECHNIQUE Expertise en matière de gestion des migrations : législation, normes, formations Coopération avec les autres agences s’occupant aussi de migrants The sixth IOM Service Area is for Technical Cooperation on Migration. It aids national and international efforts to manage migration, and trains migration agencies and government authorities, for example in the field of emergencies. In other words, Technical Cooperation on Migration Service Area seeks to strengthen national management capacities to address migration issues. COOPERATION TECHNIQUE
MOBILITE DES COMPETENCES AFRICAINES L’exode des compétences Le retour volontaire des compétences : le Programme RQAN de l’OIM (Return of Qualified African Nationals) The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation. Les nouveaux paradigmes
MOBILITE DES COMPETENCES AFRICAINES La Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement Européen La Constitution de l’OIM L’expression des pays d’origine The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation.
MOBILITE DES COMPETENCES AFRICAINES : les acteurs Les migrants et les associations de la diaspora Les autorités politiques des pays du Sud et du Nord The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation. Le secteur privé du Sud et du Nord
MOBILITE DES COMPETENCES AFRICAINES : les mots clés pour un nouveau programme Mobilisation / Diaspora Resources humaines et financières The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation. Le développement en Afrique
Mobilité des compétences africaines : le Programme MADReDA de l’OIM Mobilisation of African Diaspora Resources for Development in Africa The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation.
le Programme MADReDA de l’OIM : contributions potentielles de la France Le concept de co-développement L’identification de cibles Le financement de programmes adaptés The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation.
ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE AUX PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT Augmenter les capacités des Etats Observer et gérer les migrations Mettre en place des normes et une législation adaptée The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation.
ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE AUX PAYS EN DEVELOPPEMENT Définir une politique et l’intégrer aux plans nationaux de développement Participer à une concertation régionale The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation. Participer à la concertation mondiale
CONCLUSION Travail avec les pays du Sud Travail avec la France Travail avec la Commission The Movement Service Area deals with IOM's transportation and resettlement activities. It has an oversight function and provides operational backup to field offices as required. It also compiles statistical data on IOM transportation.