Geographical Information System and Virtual Globes for Secondary Education: Uses and Stakes


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Transcription de la présentation:

Geographical Information System and Virtual Globes for Secondary Education: Uses and Stakes

National Institute for Educational Research Observatory for geomatics uses Design of teaching material Research into science education Teachers’ training Les termes reprennent ceux utilisés par la lettre de cadrage du ministère le développement d’outils accessibles à tous les enseignants Géonote, une application pour l’enseignement des sciences de la Terre (retenue par la commission française de l’UNESCO pour candidater à un prix UNESCO en 2006) l’aide au pilotage du système éducatif et des missions d’expertise Fédération d’un réseau de praticiens et animation d’une liste de diffusion sur les usages de la géomatique (142 abonnés)  Organisation de journées d’études permettant une rencontre annuelle entre enseignants, formateurs, chercheurs, institutionnels et toute personne intéressée par l’usage de la géomatique dans l’enseignement Le transfert de résultats de la recherche : Expérimentations en classe de démarches et d’outils innovants : Géonote et Géowebexplorer, observation des pratiques (enquête)  la mise à disposition de ressources pour les enseignants de sciences de la vie et de la Terre et d’Histoire-Géographie

Context : Links between Learning and Technology

Context : a Reversal of Science Education "I think scientific education might do more to ease what is a very big transition: from learning what other people once discovered to making your own discoveries."   Schwartz M. A. (2008) The importance of stupidity in scientific research. Journal of Cell Science 121, 1771

Questions about the Uses of GIS and Virtual Globes How do the teachers integrate GIS and Virtual Globes into geography and geology courses What are the stakes of the uses of GIS and Virtual Globes for secondary education

Outline… Educational context Teachers’ practices Stakes

Methodology : an Online Inquiry A questionnaire : 19 questions about teachers’ practices An Online Inquiry : 862 teachers (history an geography teachers 50,1%, geology and biology teachers 49,9%)

The success of virtual globes n=862

Different Uses Data gathering Data processing Visualization

Assets to integrate geomatics into the curriculum in France The willing of teachers to use virtual globes (80%) A compulsory fieldwork for the geosciences curriculum Geom@tic : an online teacher training course

Visualization of geographical/geological information The Assal-Ghoubet rift (MJ Broussaud) geological map and Google Earth

Modelling/Simulating Evaluation of flood risks with Google Earth (L. Delorme)

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The Influence of ICT on the Learning Process 1 Student1 Come on, I have found a ring … 2 Student2 In the middle it’s pyroxene, it’s a ring of what? 3 S1 Pyroxene and here it’s actinolite… and chlorite. OK we will take the whole… Look at that… the green, the black and here, it’s hornblende. You have to take the thr… two. 4 S2 The two sides… I have to take? 5 S1 Yeah 6 S2 OK, it’s cool, I will […]… 7 S1 Of course not… You take this one, and then this one… 8 S2 […] 9 S1 Take this one, the objective is to take this one… 10 S2 […] 11 S1 Zoom in here. Don’t you want to zoom in? Because it’s important… No, zoom in here…I can hold the coin if you want. 12 S2 What we want is to see is this… [Students take a picture]

The Influence of ICT on the Learning Process 2 Student2 In the middle it’s pyroxene, it’s a ring of what? 3 S1 Pyroxene and here it’s actinolite… and chlorite. OK we will take the whole… Look at that… the green, the black and here, it’s hornblende. You have to take the thr… two. mineral identification

The Influence of ICT on the Learning Process 4 S2 The two sides… I have to take? 5 S1 Yeah 6 S2 OK, it’s cool, I will […]… 7 S1 Of course not… You take this one, and then this one… 8 S2 […] 9 S1 Take this one, the objective is to take this one… 10 S2 […] 11 S1 Zoom in here. Don’t you want to zoom in? Because it’s important… No, zoom in here…I can hold the coin if you want. Choice of the picture to take

The Influence of ICT on the Learning Process 1 Student1 Come on, I have found a ring … 2 Student2 In the middle it’s pyroxene, it’s a ring of what? 3 S1 Pyroxene and here it’s actinolite… and chlorite. OK we will take the whole… Look at that… the green, the black and here, it’s hornblende. You have to take the thr… two. 4 S2 The two sides… I have to take? 5 S1 Yeah 6 S2 OK, it’s cool, I will […]… 7 S1 Of course not… You take this one, and then this one… 8 S2 […] 9 S1 Take this one, the objective is to take this one… 10 S2 […] 11 S1 Zoom in here. Don’t you want to zoom in? Because it’s important… No, zoom in here…I can hold the coin if you want. 12 S2 What we want is to see is this… [Students take a picture]

Uses of GIS and Virtual Globes GIS an VG provides the opportunity… to implement school activities which consist of interactions between the students and geographical/geological data; to implement school activities which consist of building a geological interpretation of the studied field by linking the data with a geographical/ geological model; to mediate the interactions between students who are lead to formulate assumptions and to argue their point of view.

A goal : the digital culture of students Cap Canaille with Google Earth and Géoportail

In short… Teachers use Virtual Globes. GIS are less common; The variety of teachers’ practices; The opportunity to imagine new connection with knowledge

For more information… © Geluck