Housing exclusion and criminality Cory Potts MA Criminologie, ULB.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Housing exclusion and criminality Cory Potts MA Criminologie, ULB

Penalization of society « o ù la condamnation se base non sur l infraction ou la personnalit é, mais sur des profils de risque, permettant ainsi de d é velopper un contrôle intensif pour les d é linquants à haut risque [...] et un contrôle moins intense vis- à -vis des d é linquants à bas risque » MARY, P., Ins é curit é et p é nalisation du social (2003) p. 33

Seattle situation


What is happening?

Criminals Seattle Housing Authority screens all applicants criminal history. If it shows that they may not be a suitable resident, their application may be denied. Applicants are automatically denied for certain crimes, including: –... –A record indicating a pattern of alcohol abuse –Any crimes that indicate habitual criminal behavior Each property will evaluate any criminal history you have. Except for homeless projects, LIHI will not accept applicants with a felony conviction within the last five years. NO LIHI PROJECT WILL ACCEPT APPLICANTS WITH A HISTORY OF ARSON.

Where is it happening? England serves as the Trojan horse and acclimation chamber for the new, neo-liberal penalty with a view to its propagation across the European continent (Wacquant 2001, The penalisation of poverty and the rise of neo-liberalism 405)

United Kingdom Part 2 section 12, Anti-Social Behavior Act 2003 : Proceedings for possession: anti-social behaviour This section applies if the court is considering under section 84(2)(a) whether it is reasonable to make an order for possession on ground 2 set out in Part 1of Schedule 2 (conduct of tenant or other person). The court must consider, in particular (1) the effect that the nuisance or annoyance has had on persons other than the person against whom the order is sought; (2) any continuing effect the nuisance or annoyance is likely to have on such persons; (3) the effect that the nuisance or annoyance would be likely to have on such persons if the conduct is repeated Who can apply for council housing You can normally apply: * if youre 18 or over – although some councils let you join their waiting list if youre 16 or over * even if you dont currently live in the area – although priority for housing is normally given to local people You cant normally apply if: * youve been responsible for serious anti-social behaviour * you owe money to another council or housing association – for example, unpaid rent ng/DG_188701

Who helps? Britain turns to Former New York and Los Angeles Police Official for Help -New York Times, 12 August 2011 The flexible tenancies we are introducing through the Localism Bill, and a more permissive regulatory framework, offer new opportunities for landlords to create incentives for tenants to behave in a way that respects their neighbours and make it easier for landlords to end tenancies when they do not. -Grant Shapps MP, August 2011

Brussels §1 Ne pas être propriétaire §2 Ne pas être aidé par un autre CPAS §3 Ne pas être locataire fautif §4 Seuil inférieur des revenus du ménage §5 Plafond supérieur des revenus du ménage §6 Compatibilité de la composition du ménage et de la composition du logement