L.O. Talking about holidays Combining three tenses


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Transcription de la présentation:

L.O. Talking about holidays Combining three tenses Mes vacances L.O. Talking about holidays Combining three tenses

Vocab test 1-I swim 2-I do my hair 3-I have a shower 4-Je me fais bronzer 5-Je m’ennuie 6-I do horse riding 7-sun cream 8-des lunettes de plongée 9-Je fais de la voile 10-Je fais de l’escalade

Which tense? Present, past or future? 1-L’année dernière je suis allé en vacances en Grèce. 2-Normalement, nous allons à la plage. 3-Hier, j’ai posté ma vidéo de vacances sur You Tube. 4-L’année prochaine, mon père ira sur la plage.

Verb Past tense Present tense Future tense Aller (to go) Je nous J’ Faire (to do) Mettre (to put on) Être (to be) C’ (it was) (it is) Ce (it will be) prendre (to take) Rester (to stay) Nous

Normally, I go to the seaside. I stay in a hotel Normally, I go to the seaside. I stay in a hotel. I do horse riding and I play bowling. I swim in the sea too. Last year, I went to the Alps. I stayed in a flat. I went skiing. I took some sun cream. It was great Next year, I will go to the countryside. I will go camping. I will do mountain biking and I will walk in the forest

Normalement Present tense L’année dernière Perfect tense L’année prochaine Future tense