Le recyclage au Canada Faites correspondre: organique recycler plastique compost jeter ameliorer déchets poubelles alimentaire gaspillage citoyens circuler to travel to improve food (adj) organic waste (n) rubbish citizens plastic to recycle compost bins to throw away
Le recyclage au Canada Regardez la vidéo et répondez aux questions: 1. How much of each product is recycled at the Collège Rosemont? bouteilles de verre carton papier plastique piles cannettes d’aluminium 100 tonnes métriques 20 000 boîtes 50 000 150 kg 50 000 5000kg 2. How long does it take for organic waste to be transformed into compost? 1 month 3 months ` 6 months 3. What do the following young people suggest the general public could do to improve the environment? Matthieu? Florent? 4. What percentage of waste is recycled in total at the Collège Rosemont? 70% 80% 90% BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips - Le recyclage au Canada - French Video
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