France China Particle Physics Laboratory: 10 years of succesfull sino-french collaboration in high energy physics.


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Transcription de la présentation:

France China Particle Physics Laboratory: 10 years of succesfull sino-french collaboration in high energy physics

A collaboration deeply rooted in HE physics history Shi ShiYuan (1908-2007) Founder of Chinese nuclear physics ... and a former student of Pierre & Marie Curie Michel Davier, member of the French Academy of Science (& co-chair of FCPPL steering comity, together with Chen Hesheng) adviser for Beijing Electron Positron Collider version II (1988). BES detector @ BEPC II

A new start with a new milenium China international opening policy after 1980 applies to fundamental science as well. Strategic will by IN2P3 to strengthen collaboration with Asian partners in order to balance France-US link (2000’s) in2p3 Outil: Laboratoire International Associé KeK FJ-PPL FC-PPL FK-PPL FV-PPL (?) Le 2nd facteur de l’accroissement des échanges F-Chine est la volonté politique de l’IN2P3 (institut de la phys HE du CNRS) de développer ses échanges avec l’Asie, qui se faisaient alors quasi-exclusivement avec l’Europe et les E.U. Outil de cette politique: le LIA. Depuis 2005 création de 3 labs de ce type, d’abord au Japon (2006), puis en Chine (2007), et en Corée cette année. La création d’un labo de ce type avec le VietNam est en discussion. F. Le Diberder, biennale LPNHE , 2007

A tool for collaboration: France-ChinaParticle Physics Laboratory Agreement signature, April 2007 Partner institutes: CNRS-IN2P3 CEA-Irfu 5 universities Aix-Marseille Lyon Strasbourg Paris-Saclay Clermont Auvergne Partner institutes: Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP, USTC, NAOC) 6 universities Tsinghua U Peking U Shanghai Jiaotong U Nanjing U Shandong U Wuhan CCNU Quelques mots sur la structure du LIA Physique des Particules Franco-Chinois: c’est une structure symétrique entre F et Chine. Il regroupe coté français des labos du CNRS-IN2P3, du CEA, des unis et coté chinois 2 instituts de la CAS (IHEP et USTC) et 6 unis de Pékin (BeiDa et QingHua) et de province. Il y a un dir français et un dir chinois, un comité de pilotage constitué de hauts responsables du domaine en C et F et un budget auquel contribuent à parts égales F et C.

FCPPL features Large similarities with other FxPPL: Key figures: Annual call for proposals Projects evaluated by reviewers & validated by steering committee (8+8 members) Symetrical funding (no dedicated budget on Chinese side) Annual workshop (Tsinghua, Beijing, March 27-29, 2017 Key figures: 28 on-going projects with broad scientific spectrum & large stability (no time limit) 9 on the 4 LHC experiments + 1 on Belle 5 on theory 4 on Astroparticle physics 3 on neutrino physics (JUNO) 6 on technical developments (accelerator, detectors & computing) 90k€ from France (IN2P3, Universities, CNRS IR office), 150k€ from China (2016) ~350 researchers, engineers & techniciens involved. Now 49 FCPPL doctors and 19 on-going PhDs (main funding source today: China Scholarship Council) 110-120 participants to annual FCPPL workshop

FCPPL successes « FCPPL is the largest success for multi-topic international collaboration at CAS» Cao JingHua, CAS IR office director @ FCPPL 10th workshop opening ceremony, Tsinghua, March 27, 2017 PhDs @ LHC experiments as the main driver What is FCPPL added value? «Stronger together» inside (sharing experience) & outside (building up a trademark). Building up a large, rich and lively community FCPPL «best PhD» award ceremony 9th FCPPL workshop, Strasbourg, April 2016 FCPPL workshop banquet 2nd FCPPL workshop, Wuhan, April 2009

A fast changing landscape Talk of Wang Yifang, director of IHEP, @ FCPPL workshop Recent development of large & ambitious scientific projects in China (SVOM, JinPing Ulab, LHAASO, JUNO, CEPC, …), in which IN2P3 and Irfu are involved! Presentations at FCPPL 10th workshop. Can be downloaded from

Towards a more integrated structure? Increasing implication of French researchers on China-based projects (JUNO, etc.) Structures more robust than LIA exist in CNRS: UMI (Unité Mixte Internationale, a «real» lab recognised as such by both partner countries) Would be a natural evolution & bring larger visibility… + larger external funding(?) (One of the ) major issue: how to maintain FCPPL scientific diversity throughout the evolution towards an UMI? Doubts on the possibility to solve this issue and maintain our community alive induce mixed reactions towards this transition.