Venezuela. Some info Official name : the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Population : 31,568,179 people Area : 916,445 km2.


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Transcription de la présentation:


Some info Official name : the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Population : 31,568,179 people Area : 916,445 km2

What about the flag? Yellow -> riches of the earth Blue -> courage of his people Red -> blood shed in independence

Political context Colonized by Spain in 1522 Full independence as a separate country in 1830 President since 2013 : Nicolas Maduro Capital : Caracas

Language and religion The country is mostly monolingual Spanish Constitution recognizes more than 30 indigenous languages (Wayuu, Warao, Pemón) 88% of the population is Christian, (71% Roman Catholic and 17% Protestant).

What about education? Illiteracy rate in Venezuela based on data from UNESCO and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) of Venezuela. Literacy rate for the adult population 1998 : 91.1% Literacy rate for the adult population 2008 : 95,2%

Economic indicators WTO membership in 1995 Largest oil reserves in the world

Agricultural sector : 5.6% of Venezuelan GDP and 7.4% of the labor force Industrial sector : 41.8% of GDP and 21.3% of the active population Services sector : 52.6% of GDP and 71.1% of the labor force.

1st place in the world ahead of Saudi Arabia Venezuela's foreign trade : 53% of GDP Venezuela's main customers : China, India and Singapore Venezuela's main suppliers : the US, China and Brazil. Since the end of 2015, the country's trade balance has become deficit.

Clichés Crime : most murderous place on Earth in 2015 Murder rate (murder per 100,000 citizens) from 1998 to Sources: OVV, PROVEA, UN Number of kidnappings in Venezuela 1989– 2011 Source: CICPC

Poverty and violence : purchasing power remains low and has declined substantially over the past year. The unemployment rate has increased sharply and is expected to reach 28.3% in 2018

Corruption and drugs : Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso's description of oil as "the Devil's excrement" had become a common expression in Venezuela. Venezuela ranks 4th in the world for cocaine seizures, behind Colombia, the US and Panama.

Beauty pageants : The Venezuelan renowned beauty queen maker Osmel Sousa who has assisted with 22 victorious titles to date. 7 Miss Universe crowns. 6 Miss World crowns. 7 Miss International crowns. 2 Miss Earth crowns.

Beautiful landscapes : Extremely high biodiversity Ranked 7th in the world's list of nations with the most number of species

Little quizz 1) Venezuela is in South America, but in which hemisphere? Northern hemisphere – Southern hemisphere – In the space 2) What do we get in Lake Maracaibo? Bauxite – Petrol – Gold 3) What is the number of inhabitants of Venezuela? – – ) Who is the president? Hugo Chavèz - Nicolas Maduro - Hugo Talèz 5) What is the main religion of this country? Protestantism – Islam – Catholicism 6) What is the currency of Venezuelans? Bolivar – Euro – Dollar

Bibliography votre-marche/fiche-pays/venezuela/risque-pays- commerce Andrés Bansart, Comprendre le Venezuela, Le Temps des Cerises, Octobre Kevin Raub, Venezuel, Lonely Planet Country Guide, Septembre 2010.

Thank you for your attention !