QCD physics with antiprotons


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QCD physics with antiprotons News from Anti-Proton ANnihilation at DArmstadt QCD physics with antiprotons GDR-PH-QCD, IPN Orsay, December 6-7 , 2012 Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Feu vert pour la grande installation de recherche Fair La Fair GmbH a reçu le 29 octobre 2012 l’autorisation lui permettant de construire la nouvelle grande installation de recherche Fair (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research). La construction durera au moins six ans. Le maître d’ouvrage est la Fair GmbH. Celle-ci rassemble des sociétaires d’Allemagne, du Land de Hesse, et des gouvernements de huit pays européens et asiatiques. Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Feu vert pour la grande installation de recherche Fair Le contrat international correspondant, l’accord Fair, a été signé par l’Allemagne, la Finlande, la France, l’Inde, la Pologne, la Roumanie, la Russie, la Suède et la Slovénie. Il représente un investissement total de plus d’un milliard d’euros (CHF 1,2 mia.), dont la moitié sera allouée à la construction. Les coûts des accélérateurs de particules et des installations d’expérimentation sont quant à eux estimés à environ 500 millions d’euros (CHF 600 mio.). La nouvelle installation Fair sera six fois plus grande que l’installation actuelle du GSI…. Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

APPA Physics - Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications About 3000 scientists from around the world will carry out experiments to understand the fundamental structure of matter, to explore exotic forms of it and to find final answers of how the universe evolved from its primordial state into what we see today. FAIR covering four major fields: allows to carry out several physics programs in parallel, APPA Physics - Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications CBM Compressed Baryonic Matter NUSTAR Physics – Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions The PANDA (Antiproton Anihilation at Darmstadt) Experiment http://www.fair-center.de Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Some history In February 2003 the German Federal Government gave green light for the GSI plans. The German Government has committed up to 75% of the cost of construction, the remainder is to be funded by international partners. The new facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) is organised as an international research centre. In October 2010 nine countries in Wiesbaden have signed the international agreement on the joint construction of FAIR in Darmstadt Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Collecting Accumulating Precooling Antiprotons at FAIR http://www.fair-center.eu/ http://www-panda.gsi.de/ HESR SIS 100/300 SIS18 RESR/CR 30 GeV Protons 50 MeV p-Linac Cu Target 107 p/s @ 3 GeV Collecting Accumulating Precooling Accelerating Cooling 100m PANDA Parameters of HESR Injection of pbar at 3.7 GeV Slow synchrotron (1.5-14.5 GeV/c) Storage ring for internal target operation Luminosity up to L~ 2x1032 cm-2s-1 Beam cooling (stochastic & electron) pbar production proton Linac 50 MeV accelerate p in SIS18/SIS100 produce pbar on target collect pbar in CR, cooling in RESR Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Some numbers FAIR will provide antiproton and ion beams with unprecedented intensity and quality. In the final construction FAIR consists of eight ring colliders with up to 1,100 meters in circumference, two linear accelerators and about 3.5 kilometers beam control tubes. The existing GSI accelerators serve as a pre-accelerators. Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

More numbers Almost 600,000 cubic metres of concrete Over 35,000 tonnes of steel 500,000 tonnes of other construction material will be used to build FAIR. Over one million cubic metres of soil will be excavated during construction and used at a later stage to cover underground structures. Work on the foundations is set to start shortly. This will involve embedding around 1,500 piles, with diameters of 1.2 metres, up to 65 metres into the ground to create a suitable foundation for the buildings. During the most intensive construction periods, up to 600 construction workers, technicians and engineers will be working at the site. Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

5.11.2012. FAIR employees planted the first 500 trees today Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Timescale of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 experiment commissioning installation at FAIR pre-assembly mass production R&D TDR FAIR Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Thank you for your attention! Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012

Open questions in QCD (some..) Confinement: why free quarks are not observed? Origin of the hadron mass: the Higgs mechanism accounts for some percent of the hadron mass How are color neutral objects formed? Establish existence and properties of exotics, hybrids, glueballs Structure of the nucleon (charge, magnetic, spin distributions) Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson SPhN, 26-X-2012