RAPID RESULTS INITIATIVE – GOAL SETTING Training for Afrik4r Regional and National Coaches Abidjan 8th- 9th June 2016 Sylvester Odhiambo Obong’o, PhD Afrik4R Regional Coach December 2012
RESULT BASED APPROACHES Success is measured by effects/impacts achieved, and their sustainability. What were the concrete targets agreed? After one, two, three or six months: Have these been achieved? Is the quality improving? What lessons have we learned?
MfDR IS ABOUT SHIFTING FOCUS It shifts the focus FROM inputs (how much money will I get, how much money can I spend?) TO all phases of measurable development results process (what development result can I achieve with the money? NOT JUST RESULTS)
MfDR RESULTS MfDR implies that goals are clear, measurable, limited in number and concrete, with time-bound targets. At the same time, they must be expressed in human terms (i.e. as development outcomes). For this reason, MfDR is more than a methodology: it is a way of thinking and acting, built on a practical toolbox for improved public management.
CONTEXT OF RAPID RESULT INITIATIVE GOAL Organizational Long-term Goals Post 2015 Agenda National Development Targets Long Term Mid Term Strategic Plan Annual Annual Work Plan 100 Days RRI
WHY RRI ? Planned goals are usually in the distant future People are busy with too many things Normally tasks are ill-defined and vague In public sector, especially it is often not very clear who is in charge Things are very complex and interdependent
THE RAPID-RESULTS INITIATIVE Rapid Results Initiatives Long-Term Activities Activities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Overall Objective Time
ALIGNING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES TO THEMATIC AREAS What is a Theme or Thematic Area? A thematic area in rapid results initiative is the general broad result area that corresponds closely to the strategic objectives in the strategic plans or work plans; A thematic area is thus a broad challenge area that an organization intends to IMPROVE
IDENTIFYING MAJOR CHALLENGES Identify major challenges facing the organization in achieving its strategic objectives Analyze to see if any can be merged Prioritize which areas would have the highest impact in the organization if implemented Prioritize again in terms of available resources and the organization capacity areas to put on RRI
DEVELOPING THEMATIC AREAS Thematic Areas in RRI assume the form of action verb- e.g. Improve revenue collection Attract Investment Improve performance
ORGANIZING IDEAS BY THEMES The objective: To improve revenue collection: Theme 1: Increase revenue Theme 2: Reduce Corruption These are all pieces of the same jig- saw puzzle
ORGANIZING IDEAS BY THEMES The objective :To attract investment could be narrowed down to: Theme 1: Harmonizing trade licensing Theme 2: Improving transport infrastructure Theme 3: Reducing the time to process building plans These are all pieces of the same jig- saw puzzle
ORGANIZING IDEAS BY THEMES The objective : To improve performance Theme 1: Culture change Theme 2: Institutionalize Results Based Management These are all pieces of the same jig- saw puzzle
KEY THOUGHT Before beginning to formulate an RRI Goal, each RRI team member should understand the current situation of the challenge Magnitude Urgency Impact of results
NARROWING DOWN THE RRI GOAL The RRI TEAM should be more specific about WHERE they will achieve THEIR GOAL? WHO should be targeted? In WHICH areas are you most likely to achieve the GREATEST IMPACT? In which areas are you most likely to generate the GREATEST LEARNING about this challenge? A quel stade sommes-nous le plus susceptibles d’être capables de réaliser les plus grands résultats? A quel stade avons-nous des conditions relativement favorables (par exemple, ressources humaines et matérielles, capacbles d’être accessibles à l’aide des moyens de transport que nous pouvons utiliser, etc.)? A quel stade sommes-nous le plus susceptibles de générer le plus d’apprentissage concernant ce défi national? Y at-t-il un domaine où nous sommes capables de générer certains de nos résultats, et commencer à reproduire le succès dans d’autres domaines?
SETTING THE GOAL The Rapid-Results “Funnel” To: Harmonize licensing From: Improve Business Environment Overall Focus Area To: Harmonize licensing Rapid-Results Theme To: Reduce licensing bureaucracy Sharpening the Focus Rapid-Results Goal Reduce licensing processes from 10 steps to 5 in 100 days
A RRI GOAL IS ALWAYS Focused on a result Ambitious– but achievable! Short-term– around 100 days or less Has a clear and measurable indicator of success Assurons-nous que nous comprenons clairement pourquoi chacun de ces attributs est important … Focalisé sur le Résultat? Ambitieux? Pour stimuler l’innovation et de nouvelles manières de travailler : 3 secondes 100 jours? Pour assurer une vraie responsabilisation – nous voudrions que les gens renoncent un peu à leur sommeil pour se concentrer sur ceci Mesure claire de succès? Afin que l’équipe puisse se vanter un peu de son succès sans personne pour disputer si, oui ou non, ils ont vraiment réalisé leur objectif.
WHICH IS MORE OF A “RESULT GOAL”? Distribute new schoolbooks and notebooks to all primary schools in Nairobi next academic year B Reduce the number of students who repeat their grades in primary schools of Nairobi by 10% during next academic year
WHICH IS MORE OF A “RESULT GOAL”? Develop strategy to improve collection of taxes in Abidjan by 20% during next financial year B Increase collections of taxes in Abidjan by 20% in next financial year
WHICH IS MORE OF A “RESULT GOAL”? Increase number of assisted deliveries (at Health Centers) by 30% in Dakar during last four months of the year B Construct modern health clinics in all administrative wards in Dakar by the end of the year
STRUCTURE OF AN RRI GOAL A Rapid Results Initiative goal must have the following Action verb; Variable to impact; Measurement of success; and Time-Frame
Revenue generated from business permits STRUCTURE OF RRI-GOAL Structure of the RRI goal “Increase Revenue generated from business permits By 20% in 100 days” Action Verb Variable we will impact Measurement of Success Time Frame
VERIFY RRI GOAL Will the RRI Goal have a direct impact on the target group, or on the way these services are delivered? Is this a 3-second goal? Does it have a clear indicator of success? Is this a 3-second goal?stimule de nouvelles manières de réfléchir à ces problèmes, et de nouvelles manières de résoudre ces problèmes? Dans quelques minutes nous nous travaillerons plus sur ce dernier point-- d’assurer que l’objectif est le plus claire