Expressing which or what And the whole or the entire and all or every


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Transcription de la présentation:

Expressing which or what And the whole or the entire and all or every Quel et tout Expressing which or what And the whole or the entire and all or every

Les normes et les questions essentielles What does “quel” mean and how many forms are there? How do you say “the whole” or “the entire” in French? How do you say “all” or “every” in French?

En bref: Quel + noun = which or what Tout(e) + le(la) + noun = the whole or the entire Tous (toutes) + les + noun = all or every All are ADJECTIVES so they must AGREE in gender and number with the noun that follows

Quel et tout You use the interrogative adjective quel with a noun when you want to ask “what” or “which.” Note that all forms of quel are pronounced the same even though they are spelled differently. Masculin Féminin quel vol quelle compagnie Singulier quel avion quelle hôtesse quels vols quelles compagnies Pluriel quels avions quelles hôtesses

Quel et tout 2. You use tout(e) with the definite articles le, la, and l’ to express “the whole” or “the entire.” You use tous and toutes with les to express “all” or “every.” Masculin Féminin Singulier tout le personnel toute la compagnie Pluriel tous les stewards toutes les hôtesses Toute la classe fait le voyage. The whole class is taking the trip. Tous les élèves prennent le même vol. All the students are taking the same flight. Il y a un vol tous les jours. There is a flight every day.

1. Vous remplissez ___ carte? a. quel b. quelle Answer: b. quelle Quel et tout Choose. 1. Vous remplissez ___ carte? a. quel b. quelle Answer: b. quelle 2. Nous passons ___ la journée au collège. a. tout b. toute Answer: b. toute

3. Tu vas manger ___ dessert? a. quels b. quel Quel et tout Choose. 3. Tu vas manger ___ dessert? a. quels b. quel Answer: b. quel 4. ___ les passagers sont contents. a. Tout b. Tous Answer: b. Tous

5. Le steward sert ___ boissons? Quel et tout Choose. 5. Le steward sert ___ boissons? a. quelles b. quels Answer: a. quelles