Objectives and Structure of the OIE


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Objectives and Structure of the OIE Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

World Organisation for Animal Health an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1924 by 28 countries created before the U.N. World Organisation for Animal Health Organisation mondiale de la santé animale Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Common name adopted by the International Committee on May 2003

Topics for discussion Member Countries The OIE’s Objectives Structure International relationships Animal Health Information System International Standards Reference Laboratories – Collaborating Centres Publications and Website Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] The International Committee is the highest authority of the OIE. It comprises all the Delegates and meets at least once a year. The General Session of the International Committee lasts five days and is held every year in May in Paris. Voting by Delegates within the International Committee respects the democratic principle of 'one country, one vote'. The International Committee elects the members of the governing bodies of the OIE (President and Vice-President of the Committee, Members of the Administrative Commission, Regional and Specialist Commissions). He appoints the Director General of the OIE for a five year mandate. Le Comité international est l’organe suprême de l’OIE. Il est composé de tous les Délégués et se réunit au moins une fois par an. Sa Session générale, qui dure cinq jours, se tient tous les ans au mois de mai à Paris. Le vote des Délégués, au sein du Comité international, respecte le principe démocratique de "un pays, une voix". Le Comité international élit les membres des organes directeurs de l’OIE (Président et Vice-Président du Comité, Membres de la Commission administrative, des Commissions régionales et des Commissions spécialisées). Il nomme le Directeur général de l’OIE pour un mandat de cinq ans.

Member Countries Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Americas: 29 – Africa: 51 – Europe: 50 – Middle East: 13 – Asia: 27 170 Member Countries (Sept 2007) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : In May 2004, the OIE totaled 167 Member Countries. En mai 2004, l’OIE comptait 167 Pays Membres. Americas: 29 – Africa: 51 – Europe: 50 – Middle East: 13 – Asia: 27

Contributions Ordinary - 6 categories of Countries Voluntary - financing of specific activities (Regional Representations)... Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Objective 6 : To provide a better guarantee of food of animal origin and to promote animal welfare through a science-based approach “The OIE Member Countries have decided to provide a better guarantee of the safety of food of animal origin by creating greater synergy between the activities of the OIE and those of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The OIE's standard-setting activities in this field focus on eliminating potential hazards existing prior to the slaughter of animals or the primary processing of their products (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) that could be a source of risk for consumers. Since it was created, the OIE has played a key role in its capacity as the sole international reference organisation for animal health, enjoying established international recognition and benefiting from direct collaboration with the Veterinary Services of all its Member Countries. As a mark of the close relationship between animal health and animal welfare, the OIE has become, at the request of its Member Countries, the leading international organisation for animal welfare.” Objectif 6 : Mieux garantir la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et promouvoir le bien-être animal en utilisant une approche scientifique "Les Pays Membres de l'OIE ont décidé de mieux garantir la sécurité sanitaire des aliments d'origine animale en renforçant les synergies entre les activités de l'OIE et celles de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius. Les activités normatives de l'OIE dans ce domaine sont focalisées sur la prévention des dangers existant avant l'abattage des animaux ou la première transformation de leurs produits (viandes, lait, œufs etc.), susceptibles de générer ultérieurement des risques pour les consommateurs. Depuis sa création, l'OIE joue un rôle clé en qualité d'unique organisation de référence internationale dédiée à la santé animale, bénéficiant d'une reconnaissance internationale avérée et d'une collaboration directe avec les Services Vétérinaires de tous les Pays Membres. Du fait de la relation étroite qui existe entre la santé animale et la protection des animaux, l'OIE est devenu, à la demande des ses Pays Membres, l'organisation internationale phare en matière de protection des animaux. »

The 6 Objectives of the OIE Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

The OIE’s objectives The historical objectives ANIMAL HEALTH INFORMATION: to ensure transparency in the global animal disease and zoonosis situation to collect, analyse and disseminate scientific veterinary information Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Objective 1 : To ensure transparency in the global animal disease situation “Each Member Country undertakes to report the animal diseases that it detects on its territory. The OIE then disseminates the information to other countries, which can take the necessary preventive action. This information also includes diseases transmissible to humans and intentional introduction of pathogens. Information is sent out immediately or periodically depending on the seriousness of the disease. This objective applies to disease occurrences both naturally occurring and deliberately caused. Dissemination is via the OIE Web site, e-mail and the following periodicals: Disease Information, published weekly and the annual compilation World Animal Health.” Objectif 1 : Garantir la transparence de la situation des maladies animales et des zoonoses dans le monde « Chaque Pays Membre s'engage à déclarer les maladies animales qu'il détecte sur son territoire. L'OIE diffuse alors l'information à tous les autres pays afin qu'ils puissent se protéger. Cette information concerne également les maladies transmissibles à l'homme. Elle est diffusée en urgence ou de façon différée selon la gravité de la maladie. Ces objectifs de surveillance et de suivi s'appliquent à la fois aux événements sanitaires naturels ou intentionnels. Les supports de diffusion sont le site Web de l'OIE, le courrier électronique et les périodiques suivants : Informations sanitaires, publiées chaque semaine, et le recueil annuel Santé animale mondiale. »

The OIE’s objectives (cont.) New objectives ACTIVITIES OF VETERINARY SERVICES to provide expertise and encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases to improve the legal framework and resources of national Veterinary Services Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Objective 3 : To provide expertise and encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases “The OIE provides technical support to Member Countries requesting assistance with animal disease control and eradication operations, including diseases transmissible to humans. The OIE notably offers expertise to the poorest countries to help them control animal diseases that cause livestock losses, present a risk to public health and threaten other Member Countries. The OIE has a permanent contact to international regional and national financial organizations in order to convince them to invest more and better on the control of animal diseases and zoonosis.” Objectif 3 : Apporter son expertise et stimuler la solidarité internationale pour contrôler les maladies animales « L'OIE appuie techniquement les Pays Membres qui le souhaitent pour soutenir des opérations de contrôle et d'éradication des maladies animales, y compris celles transmissibles à l'homme. L'OIE propose notamment son expertise aux pays les plus pauvres pour les aider à contrôler les maladies animales qui provoquent des pertes dans leur cheptel, peuvent mettre en danger la santé publique et menacent les autres Pays Membres. L'OIE maintient un contact permanent, au niveau régional et national, avec les organismes financiers internationaux afin de les convaincre d'investir plus et mieux dans le contrôle des maladies animales et des zoonoses. »

The OIE’s objectives (cont.) New objectives INTERNATIONAL STANDARD within its WTO mandate, to safeguard world trade by publishing health standards for international trade in animals and animal products to provide a better guarantee of the safety of food of animal origin, and to promote animal welfare, through a science-based approach Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Objective 3 : To provide expertise and encourage international solidarity in the control of animal diseases “The OIE provides technical support to Member Countries requesting assistance with animal disease control and eradication operations, including diseases transmissible to humans. The OIE notably offers expertise to the poorest countries to help them control animal diseases that cause livestock losses, present a risk to public health and threaten other Member Countries. The OIE has a permanent contact to international regional and national financial organizations in order to convince them to invest more and better on the control of animal diseases and zoonosis.” Objectif 3 : Apporter son expertise et stimuler la solidarité internationale pour contrôler les maladies animales « L'OIE appuie techniquement les Pays Membres qui le souhaitent pour soutenir des opérations de contrôle et d'éradication des maladies animales, y compris celles transmissibles à l'homme. L'OIE propose notamment son expertise aux pays les plus pauvres pour les aider à contrôler les maladies animales qui provoquent des pertes dans leur cheptel, peuvent mettre en danger la santé publique et menacent les autres Pays Membres. L'OIE maintient un contact permanent, au niveau régional et national, avec les organismes financiers internationaux afin de les convaincre d'investir plus et mieux dans le contrôle des maladies animales et des zoonoses. »

Structure Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Administrative Commission Director General Specialist Commissions Code, Laboratories, Aquatic animals, Scientific Regional Commissions Africa, Americas, Europe, Asia- Far East and Oceania, Middle East Human Resources and Budget Management Unit Central Bureau Deputy Director General Administration, Finances, Human Resources Deputy Director General Animal Health and International Standards Accounts Unit World Animal Health and Welfare Fund Coordination International Trade Department Administrative and Management Systems Department Collaborating Centres Reference Laboratories Ad hoc Groups Working Groups Scientific and Technical Department Regional Activities Department Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Animal Health Information Department Publications Department Regional Representations

The OIE International Committee the highest authority of the OIE comprises all the OIE Delegates meets at least once a year principle of “one country, one vote” elects the members of the governing bodies of the OIE elects the members of the Specialist Commissions appoints the Director General for a 5-year term Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] The International Committee is the highest authority of the OIE. It comprises all the Delegates and meets at least once a year. The General Session of the International Committee lasts five days and is held every year in May in Paris. Voting by Delegates within the International Committee respects the democratic principle of 'one country, one vote'. The International Committee elects the members of the governing bodies of the OIE (President and Vice-President of the Committee, Members of the Administrative Commission, Regional and Specialist Commissions). He appoints the Director General of the OIE for a five year mandate. Le Comité international est l’organe suprême de l’OIE. Il est composé de tous les Délégués et se réunit au moins une fois par an. Sa Session générale, qui dure cinq jours, se tient tous les ans au mois de mai à Paris. Le vote des Délégués, au sein du Comité international, respecte le principe démocratique de "un pays, une voix". Le Comité international élit les membres des organes directeurs de l’OIE (Président et Vice-Président du Comité, Membres de la Commission administrative, des Commissions régionales et des Commissions spécialisées). Il nomme le Directeur général de l’OIE pour un mandat de cinq ans.

The Delegate usually the Chief Veterinary Officer of his/her country member of the International Committee (General Session) in permanent contact with the OIE should inform the OIE of the animal disease situation of his country ensures that the legislation in force in his country is based on OIE standards and if necessary, on a scientific risk analysis focal point for the OIE in his / her country Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

National specialist focal points: aquatic animal diseases, wildlife, OIE focal points National specialist focal points: aquatic animal diseases, wildlife, sanitary information systems, veterinary medicinal products animal welfare Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

The Administrative Commission May 2006 President Dr Barry O’Neil (New Zealand) Vice-President Dr Carlos Correa Messuti (Uruguay) Past President Dr Abdoulaye Bouna Niang (Senegal) Members Dr George Khoury (Syria) (delegates) Dr Rachid Bouguedour (Algeria) Dr Brian Evans (Canada) Dr Tenzin Dhendup (Bhutan) Auditors Dr Nikola T. Belev (Bulgaria) (delegates) Dr Romano Marabelli (Italy) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : The members of the Administrative Commission were elected in ……..; their mandate ends in …………… Les membres de la Commission administrative actuelle ont été élus en ……… ; leur mandat se termine en ……….

The Administrative Commission (cont.) board of management represents the International Committee during interval between General Sessions examines technical and administrative matters to be presented to International Committee for approval: programme of OIE technical work OIE budget elected for a 3-year term (with the exception of the former President) meets twice a year at least Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer le texte instaurant la commission

Specialist Commissions Role is to use current scientific information to: study problems of epidemiology and the prevention and control of animal diseases develop and revise OIE’s international standards address scientific and technical issues raised by Member Countries but not bilateral trade problems which OIE may address through mediation Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer le texte instaurant la commission

Specialist Commissions (cont.) Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission "Code Commission" Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases "Scientific Commission" Biological Standards Commission "Laboratories Commission" Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer quelques informations sur chacune des commissions Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission "Aquatic Animals Commission"

Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission "Code Commission" 4 Specialist Commissions (cont.) Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission "Code Commission" Responsible for updating the Terrestrial Animal Health Code annually Responsible for ensuring it reflects current scientific information Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer quelques informations sur chacune des commissions

Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases "Scientific Commission" 4 Specialist Commissions (cont.) Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases "Scientific Commission" Assits in identifying the most appropriate strategies and measures for: disease surveillance disease prevention and control Examines Member Countries submissions regarding their animal health status for those countries that wish to be included on the OIE official list of free countries and zones for certain diseases Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer quelques informations sur chacune des commissions

Biological Standards Commission "Laboratories Commission" 4 Specialist Commissions (cont.) Biological Standards Commission "Laboratories Commission" Establishes or approves methods for diagnosing diseases of mammals, birds and bees testing biological products, such as vaccines, used for control purposes Oversees production of the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer quelques informations sur chacune des commissions

4 Specialist Commissions (cont.) Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission "Aquatic Animals Commission" Compiles information on diseases of fish, molluscs and crustaceans, and on methods used to control these diseases Responsible for updating the Aquatic Animal Health Code and the Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Insérer quelques informations sur chacune des commissions

Regional Commissions 5 Regional Commissions Bureau: 1 president AFRICA AMERICAS ASIA, FAR EAST and OCEANIA EUROPE MIDDLE EAST Bureau: 1 president 2 vice-Presidents 1 Secretary General Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Central Bureau Administrative and Management Systems Department Regional Activities Department Publications Department International Trade Department Scientific and Technical Department Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright): [source : www.oie.int]] The Administrative and Financial Department is in charge of administration and finances, human resources management, preparatives of the deliberations of the statutory bodies, logistics of meetings and conferences, juridical matters, internal matters, maintenance of the headquarters, and general matters. The Department of Regional Activities To coordinate and support the activities of the OIE Regional Representations and Commissions and to mobilise the resources of the OIE Headquarters' Specialized Technical Departments in order to sustain these activities. The International Trade Department To promote the OIE's mandate for the sanitary safety of international trade in terrestrial and aquatic animals and their products through up to date Terrestrial Animal Health Code and Aquatic Animal Health Code. To promote the OIE's new mandates for animal welfare and animal production food safety. The Animal Health Information Department To ensure transparency and up-to-date knowledge of the world animal disease situation, including zoonoses, through the collection, verification and dissemination of animal health information provided by Member Countries and OIE Reference Laboratories. The Publication Department To publish and disseminate updated scientific and technical information of interest to the world veterinary community, in particular regarding animal health ,zoonoses and public health, as well as all existing methods to control animal diseases. The Scientific and Technical Department To assist the Director General by providing scientific guidance on the Development of policies relating to the prevention and control of diseases of Terrestrial and Aquatic Animals To improve the collection, use and interpretation of scientific information on Terrestrial and Aquatic Animal diseases To provide up to date scientific information To assist on the organization of scientific conferences and meetings To elaborate scientific projects To provide answers to OIE Member Countries on scientific and technical questions Animal Health Information Department

Buenos Aires, Argentina Asia, Far East and Oceania Régional Representations Africa Bamako, Mali Gaborone, Botswana Tunis, Tunisia Americas Buenos Aires, Argentina Panama City, Panama Asia, Far East and Oceania Tokyo, Japon Bangkok, Thailand Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright): [source : www.oie.int]] The Administrative and Financial Department is in charge of administration and finances, human resources management, preparatives of the deliberations of the statutory bodies, logistics of meetings and conferences, juridical matters, internal matters, maintenance of the headquarters, and general matters. The Department of Regional Activities To coordinate and support the activities of the OIE Regional Representations and Commissions and to mobilise the resources of the OIE Headquarters' Specialized Technical Departments in order to sustain these activities. The International Trade Department To promote the OIE's mandate for the sanitary safety of international trade in terrestrial and aquatic animals and their products through up to date Terrestrial Animal Health Code and Aquatic Animal Health Code. To promote the OIE's new mandates for animal welfare and animal production food safety. The Animal Health Information Department To ensure transparency and up-to-date knowledge of the world animal disease situation, including zoonoses, through the collection, verification and dissemination of animal health information provided by Member Countries and OIE Reference Laboratories. The Publication Department To publish and disseminate updated scientific and technical information of interest to the world veterinary community, in particular regarding animal health ,zoonoses and public health, as well as all existing methods to control animal diseases. The Scientific and Technical Department To assist the Director General by providing scientific guidance on the Development of policies relating to the prevention and control of diseases of Terrestrial and Aquatic Animals To improve the collection, use and interpretation of scientific information on Terrestrial and Aquatic Animal diseases To provide up to date scientific information To assist on the organization of scientific conferences and meetings To elaborate scientific projects To provide answers to OIE Member Countries on scientific and technical questions Europe Sofia, Bulgaria Brussels, Belgium Middle East Beyrouth, Liban

Animal Production Food Safety Working Groups Wildlife Diseases Animal Production Food Safety Animal Welfare Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] The Working Groups comprise world-leading scientific experts in their subject areas. Working Group on Wildlife diseases Founded in 1994, this Working Group informs and advises the OIE on all health problems relating to wild animals, whether in the wild or in captivity. It has prepared recommendations and oversees numerous scientific publications on the surveillance and control of the most important specific wildlife diseases. Working Group on Animal Welfare A permanent Working Group on Animal Welfare was established in 2002 to coordinate and manage the animal welfare activities of the OIE. Working Group on Food Safety A permanent Working Group on Food Safety was established in 2002 to coordinate and manage the animal production food safety activities of the OIE. Les groupes de travail rassemblent des scientifiques reconnus mondialement pour leurs connaissances dans leurs disciplines respectives. Groupe de travail pour les maladies des animaux sauvages Créé en 1994, ce Groupe de travail informe et conseille l'OIE sur tous les problèmes sanitaires liés aux animaux sauvages, qu'ils vivent en liberté ou en captivité. Il a préparé des recommandations et supervisé de nombreuses publications scientifiques sur la surveillance et la prophylaxie des principales maladies spécifiques des animaux sauvages. Groupe de travail sur le bien-être animal Un Groupe de travail sur le bien-être animal a été créé en 2002 pour coordonner et gérer les activités de l'OIE concernant le bien-être animal Groupe de travail sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments Un Groupe de travail sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments a été créé en 2002 pour coordonner et gérer les activités de l'OIE concernant la sécurité sanitaire des aliments d'origine animale en phase de production.

Set up, when needed, Ad Hoc Groups with world renowned scientists to prepare decisions of the Specialist Commissions and the International Committee Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : [source : www.oie.int] Ad hoc Groups are convened as required by the Director General of the OIE to examine specific scientific and technical issues. Comprising leading specialists from OIE Member Countries, their reports serve as guides for the Specialist Commissions and the International Committee in forming recommendations and making decisions. Les Groupes ad hoc sont créés et réunis sur demande du Directeur général de l'OIE afin d'examiner certains sujets scientifiques et techniques. Composés des meilleurs spécialistes mondiaux des Pays Membres, leurs rapports servent de guide aux Commissions spécialisées et au Comité international pour émettre des recommandations et prendre des décisions.

International Relationships Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

International Relationships Institutional cooperation with WHO World Health Organization FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations WTO World Trade Organization CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission IPPC International Plant Protection Convention World Bank CABI CAB International ILRI International Livestock Research Institute Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

International Relationships (cont.) Technical and scientific cooperation with more than 20 regional organisations and international professional associations Regional Organizations: Andean Community AOAD AU-IBAR CEBEVIRHA CPS ECOWAS European Commission IICA OIRSA PVC PAHO SADC Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : A compléter – Développer les noms / missions

International Relationships (cont.) World professional organisations: IMS (International Meat Secretariat) IDF (International Dairy Federation) FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale) ICCM (International Committee of Military Medicine) IEC (International Egg Commission) IFAH (International Federation For Animal Health) IFAP (International Federation of Agricultural Producers) IABs (International Association for Biologicals) WVA (World Veterinary Association) WAVLD (World Association Of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians) (…) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : A compléter – Développer les noms / missions

OIE Information System  Promote transparency in and knowledge of global animal disease situation Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Source of Early Warning Disease reports Reports from Member Countries Reports from worldwide network of OIE Reference Labs. Active search and tracking of unofficial sources, such as scientific publications and ProMed, and lay publications, with Member Country verification Improved Member Country surveillance policies internal and international resources Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

The OIE Early Warning System Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Handistatus II - Immediate notification and follow-up - Six-monthly reports - Annual report OIE-Info distribution list : Alert messages   World Animal Health Information World Animal Health (publication) OIE’s Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres’ reports SAMBA 1996-2004 Handistatus II

OIE animal disease notification system Criteria for inclusion in the OIE list: International spread Significant spread within naive population Zoonotic potential Emerging diseases (new infection resulting from the evolution of an existing pathogen or parasite resulting in a change of host range, vector, pathogenicity or strain; or the occurrence of a previously unrecognized infection or disease.) 1 January 2005 1 list of notifiable diseases Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Global Early Warning System (GLEWS) Joint OIE/FAO/WHO initiative Animal disease and zoonoses tracking Emergency response Trends analysis predictions Capacity building of Veterinary Services for surveillance and early warning and response (animal sector) List of priority animal diseases, zoonoses and emerging diseases Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

OIE International Standards Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

OIE's WTO mandate WTO SPS Agreement recognises OIE as a reference organisation for international standards (one of the 3 sisters)

OIE's WTO mandate (cont.) Standards-setting organizations food safety CODEX plant health IPPC animal health OIE Codex = Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission OIE = World Organization for Animal Health IPPC = International Plant Protection Convention (FAO)

OIE’s international standards OIE develops and publishes health standards for trade in animals and animal products biological standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines adopted by OIE Member Countries during General Session each May by consensus no other pathway for adoption

OIE International Standards available on the OIE Website Terrestrial Animal Health Code – mammals, birds and bees Aquatic Animal Health Code – fish, molluscs and crustaceans Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals

Updating international standards COMMITTEE, COMMISSIONS, DELEGATES PROBLEM Specialist Commissions Updating international standards Review Advice of experts or other Specialist Commissions Draft text 1 2 Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : DELEGATES COMMITTEE OIE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Adoption

Reference Laboratories Collaborating Centres Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Reference Laboratories in 30 Countries covering 93 diseases or topics 146 experts Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Reference Laboratories (cont.) Expert Centres for worldwide standardisation Store and distribute reference reagents Develop / conduct / validate diagnostic tests Coordinate technical and scientific studies Provide technical and scientific training Organise laboratory proficiency testing Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

24 Collaborating Centres in 14 Countries covering 22 topics Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Collaborating Centres (cont.) Expert Centres on horizontal subjects, for the OIE and Member Countries Assist in the elaboration of procedures to harmonise animal disease regulations / international standards Coordinate collaborative studies Provide technical training Organise and host scientific meetings for the OIE Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

OIE Publications & Web Site Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

Publications of the OIE Bulletin every 3 months Scientific and Technical Review every 4 months World Animal Health every year Technical items, Newsletters, Specialised books variable Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

On the OIE Web Site… http://www.oie.int Early warning Weekly Disease Information International Standards (Codes, Manuals, etc.) Scientific and Technical Review (contents and abstracts) Scientific and general information on OIE activities Animal diseases and zoonoses Editorials from the Director General Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :

World organisation for animal health Organisation mondiale de la santé animale 12 rue de prony 75017 Paris, France Tel: 33 (0)1 44 15 18 88 – Fax: 33 (0)1 42 67 09 87 Email: oie@oie.int http://www.oie.int Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :