Ferdinand de Saussure Father of Linguistics A Presentation by BOULMELF And MAZOUZ © 2018 « All rights reserved »
Ferdinand de Saussure 4 Systems of language: 1- The Sign: Signifier Vs Signified 2- Langue Vs Parole 3- Diachronic Vs Synchronic 4- Syntagmatic Vs Paradigmatic
I- Sign: Signifier Vs Signified 4 Sign: combination of a concept (Signified) and a sound-image (Signifier):
Relationship Between Signs 1- Arbitrariness. Signifier: sound-image Signified: concept Arbor = Tree= arbre canis = d og= chien
Relationship Between Signs 2- Mutability: –Time changes the relationship between signi- fier (sound-image), signified (concept) and therefore the sign. –E.g. “mouse” = = Mouse
II- Langue vs. Parole 4 Langue: is the shared system of language in a Society. It is about the formal structure of language such as Syntax and Phonology. 4 Parole : is about the way language is employed in actual speech by the Individuals.
III- Diachronic Vs Synchronic 4 Syn (with) + chronos (time): the study of a language at a single point in time (Static linguistics). 4 Dia (across) + chronos (time): the study of a language over time (Evolutionary linguistics).
Study the whole game (Diachronic approach) Or, study the position ? (Synchronic approach)
IV - Paradigmatic VS. Syntagmatic 4 They Control how signs are related to each other 4 Syntagm: is when signs occur in sequence and operate together to form meaning 4 Paradigm: is where an individual sign can be replaced by another
Paradigmatic VS. Syntagmatic