EX Bluebell 2019 « Au-delà de la Forge »


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Transcription de la présentation:

EX Bluebell 2019 « Au-delà de la Forge » D GEMRC - Col N.P.M. Corriveau

Agenda L’environnement stratégique – ce qui a bougé Nos accomplissements Pourquoi “Au-delà de la Forge”? Le focus de l’année prochaine Questions

L’environnement stratégique – Ce qui a changé Les élections férédales SGRID et son importance ‘’FMSD & FP&R’’ L’armée et les nouvelles petites missions Notre Commandant, son intérêt et les réalités analytiques Pressions fiscales de l’AF 19/20 Canadian Demographics changing: Differents Ethics and life experience New generations having many careers during their life (4 to 5) Just in time and now expectations Mediatisation Exploitation of technology and IT equipment – less hands on Stability and sedentarism Spouse careers and expectations that it has the same weight in posting decisions GoC Results based approach – show me the goods, prove me that what you say and where you spend is really giving us the effects sold The Canadian Population wants to know! Transparency approach (ex: Ministerial letters) SSE (New Defense Policy) Why is this one different? Clear expectations of roles, missions and specially tasks Baseplate explanation (people and institution) to project concurrent operations

Mise à jour (Nos accomplissements) La Strutcure d’emploi militaire du GEMRC (SEM) Recrutement, attrition – analyse et initiatives Réserve GERMC Le 75ième du GEMRC – maintenant débuté! Notre nouveau drapeau! Béret bleu La guilde du GEMRC – retour d’invesstissement Succession de l’armée – la position du SQMST est clé 1. LEMS RELEVANCY FOR CAF OPS: LEMS Effects at Tactical 3Line Capability Interim Recovery Capability for CA and CAF ERC Capability Gaps ACSV RCEME in support to CA (CAF) of the Future Parts visibility Equipment Culture DRMIS Maintenance module Business Intelligence for Unit/formation/LCMM/PMO/CA HQ LEMS Policies: IETM arcs of fires for EMT and PMOs (SBCA and Industry engagement) LEMS IETP PMO (Roadmap) to streamline tactical resources and SOPs ATI Revamp Upcoming LEMS WG (Roadmap to incr RCEME Corps Relevancy for the AoT): FY 17/18: LEMS EFFECTS @ the Tactical Level (CONCEIVE) (OPI = Cmdt RCEMES) FY18/19: LEMS EFFECTS @ the Tactical Level (DESIGN & BUILD) (OPI = Cmdt RCEMES) FY 18/19 - early: Deep Dive DP 2 (pre-Maint O Crse) (OPI = Cmdt RCEMES) LEE+ DL for eqpt specifics for Bde or Formation Package monitored and updated by RCEMES/LESC FY 18/19 - late: Deep Dive DP 3 (RCEME AOC) (OPI = Cmdt RCEMES) Mentoring Maint O Material Assurance Data trends and projections Analytics LEMS OPP at Op and Strat lvl SIGS integration within LEMS   2. RELEVANT AND EFFECTIVE RCEME RESOURCES : OFP DP to engage VCDS MES & Trg Realignment: Sgt 6A within Armd Units Pre-Maint O Crse trial no 1 ( D4/RCEMES) LEE Concept COMMS Plan Recovery trg for Operators SCRITS Alignment ARV driver for Armour Corps Lessons Id of AWA approach end of FY 18/19 (APS 19) Lessons ID for the new JCSP DL (D Mil C 3) RCEME ARes (StAR) DRMIS accessibility and supportability Laptops accessibility + employability for MRTs A Res accessibility Recruitment Efforts BLMC vs MMO for SOF MOSIDs CFR not able to Mil & Arts Science (IBDP) – need to understand why? (D Mil C) PMCD accreditation for competency 3. RCEME TOTAL FORCE CULTURE: RCEME 75th Ball (Borden) CONOPS (CO RCEMES): Comms plan, VVIPs, Location/venue, Finance, Timing RCEME 75th NCR Mess Dinner : date, joint, location, finances, comms plan, VVIPs. RCEME 75th WBS Update RCEME Flag W hosre CDS Commendation for Key players… RCEME 100th Col Ret’d Johnson preface Guild/RCEME Comd Tm IPG by Spring 2020 RCEME Corps “Mantra”.... (Vision, Mission, Mantra...) . Bricks for RCEMES -. 4. RCEME GOVERNANCE: Terms of References for ETSM (G4 Bi-monthly report in Sept) Terms of References for Op LEMS Advisor (Corps SM) Lessons on MWO as ETSM (APS 19) D&G for RCEME Council mbrs on their Secondary Duties Kingston ‘’Bubble’’ for Reg Rep responsibility RCEME COUNCIL RSM DGLEPM within Coucnil? RCEME Council – Fall 2018 CAERP & CASR Update Operationalizing ARes & RCEME ARes Update LEMS Effects @ the Tactical Level LEMS Effects @ OP/Strategic Lvls OFP Udpate Trg Realignment Update RCEME Council – Spring 2019 Post Grad LTP alignment review Reg Rep Network Update (Kingston AOR conundrum) RCEME Corps Staff DRCEME overarching D&G: PIRs: Efforts and effects against CCA Priorities Key road blocks on RCEME Reserve Analysis Key road blocks on RCEME Trg Realignment Key road blocks on RCEME Manning Efforts Drastic changes on RCEME Succession (Tier 4, CWO, OC, CO) My Current Focus: Health of the Corps for the future (OFP, ETSM, succession) Eqpt Culture integrated within CA Communication and Messaging Relationship Building Continue building the extended Corps leadership team Continue to analysis vice Anecdotal Continue to be deliberate vice Reactionary Do what is right for the Corps, and most importantly for our Soldier-Technicians

Pourquoi “Au-delà de la Forge” Imératifs stratégiques contre notre Corps L’armée de demain – notre besoin d’être pertinent La solution GEMRC (Au-delà de la forge)

Impératifs stratégiques LESC - SWE Pressure FY19/20 ATA funding TDO Troops to tasks MES still I/P Impératifs stratégiques Les impératifs: Les nations ‘’Five-eyes’’ continue de maximiser les solutions tehcnologiques afin de réduire toutes mortalités La technologie deviens de plus en plus complexe La communication digitale et son besoin de largeur de bande s’accentue selon la loi de Neilson Les ressources des FAC contnueront d’être constraint Les tendances d’acquisition indiquent une baisse de quantité de plate-forme vis-à-vis les anciennes flottes militaires (i.e. VBL) Les tendances d’acquisition indiquent un rehaussement de synergie avec l’industrie et leur importance (‘’Performance base contracts’’) GEMRC Maintenant GEMRC de Demain Armée de demain Aggravating Factors Procure to Budget - WFM Infrastructure State/Life of the Equipment State of the Corps Equipment Culture Influence Factors: Technology Cyber LMA Sustainment Initiative & SBCA C4ISR

L’Armée canadienne– le modèle des trois aspects Close Engagement Conceive Future Army Conceptual Army of Today Capability Inform Army of Tomorrow (AoT) Aspirational +5 +15 +30 Design + Build Manage

Soutien au sein de l’armée de demain (‘Close Engagement’) 200kms ECAT DÉDUCTIONS CLÉS Fewer Platforms Same amount of RCEME Longer distances Black Box replacement More autonomy at the echelon Force Protected SOLUTIONS POSSIBLES Robust LEMS Network Just in Time Diagnostics (HUMS) Combined MOSIDs Additive Manufacturing ECAT ECAT ISG A2 FLG A2 ECAT Charactéristiques clés Distance Regroupement ECAT


Capacité SGET tactique de demain Key Guiding Principles: Limitations – no growth in LEMS resources Exploit the “The Systems”: Recovery, Replace, Repair, C3 MRT∕MRV Missions = LEMS = RCEME, LCIS for Lvl1 & Lvl2(-) Exploit IETMS & HUMS WAV to see key Shoot, Move, communicate, Survive aspects Exploit autonomous AI/ML to better enable the ‘’LEMS OODA Loop (Look, diagnose, repl/repair, move, assess)’’ Simple extraction versus complex extraction & operators within recovery The “LEMS Mobile Repair Team” Autonomous 3-4 technicians Armoured Sat-comm equipped Equipped with a self-protect system (i.e. remote turret) Comparable mobility to equipment it supports Consumables Limited STTE Trailer-able advanced manufacture system MRT/MRV

Le réalignement de notre entrainement The Apprentice (DP1) needs to execute their tasks with precision and with enough confidence (under supervision) The “Journeyman (DP2)” needs to have the right critical thinking to adapt in their land eqpt support, especially when in harm’s way (MRT autonomy) The Master-craftsman (NCO leader)(DP3) needs to become the expert in land eqpt engineering within their trade The Land Equipment Engineering Technologist (LEET) (DP4) needs to embrace the ability to move between LE & LEMS from the tactical to the strategic environment. DRMIS: DP1 (W.O.), DP2(fleet∕MOSID), DP3 (Pan fleets, Analysis, trends @ Unit∕BG), DP4 (SAP, analytics, trends @ formation & beyond, ties within land epqt acquisition)

Le focus de l’Année prochaine & Message clé Focus clé Key Messaging Plan d’implementation Réalignment de l’entrainment continue Realignment La santé du Corps (OFP, ETSM, Succession) L’EMR de demain La culture d’eqpt au sein de l’armée SGET de demain Intégration SGIT Our Vital Ground remains (Effective at the Tactical Level) The Corps is presently ‘’Support Ineffective’’ RCEME Reserves is Key 2019 is your RCEME 75th Well trained, well led, with strong sense of tradition and esprit de corps with an Excellent reputation with those we support

Reminder….The Vision RCEME Roadmap To Relevancy ``RCEME of the Future`` VISION: Building upon our proud heritage as soldiers-technicians, RCEME will provide unique leadership, innovation and technical expertise, from conception to divestment in support of land equipment across the full spectrum of CAF operations. MISSION: To provide high-quality leadership and land equipment engineering in order to enable and sustain successful CAF operations. Main Effort Secondary Focus It is still Immediate Focus! Robotics Just in time Acquisition Industry Owned Technologist Materials Firmware & Software heavy Nanotechnology & 3D RCEME Cmd Tm Tactically Proficient Leader LEE Advise Plan Modify Investigate Analyse Develop Mobility Lethality Survivability Sustainability Key initiatives 2014 2018 2019 2020 2021 AoT AoF (~ 2040) F2021/FMSD 22 From Soldier-Technician to “Soldier-Technologist”


The Reality of the RCEME within the Army Total OJTs VEH 239 WPNS 72 EO 31 MAT 60