Table of Contents Introduction (In English) Introduction (In English) Introduction (In French) Introduction (In French) Map Map Chart Chart Research.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Table of Contents Introduction (In English) Introduction (In English) Introduction (In French) Introduction (In French) Map Map Chart Chart Research Research Conclusion (In English) Conclusion (In English) Conclusion (In French) Conclusion (In French) Bibliography Bibliography

English Introduction There are many varieties of frogs in Manitoba. The type of frog our group will be researching is the Wood Frog. The research project will include observing the frog in its environment. An interesting fact about the Wood Frog is that it makes a sound like a duck.

French Introduction Il ya beacoup de varietes de grenouilles dans le Manitoba. Le genre de grenouilles que notre groupe recherche est la grenouille qui s’appelle Wood Frog. Le projet de recherche a les observations ce la grenouille dans son environnement. Un fait interessant autour de la grenouille est: Elle fait un son comme un canard.

Where Wood Frogs Live In Canada

Tadpole Measurements DatesHeadsTailsTotal May 8th 8 mm. 11 mm. 19 mm. May 14th 10 mm. 20 mm. 30 mm. May 16th 10 mm. 15 mm. 25 mm. May 23

Wood Frog Facts The North American Wood Frog belongs to a small group of animals that are freeze tolerant. As the temperature drops below freezing each winter, the Wood Frog finds a comfy spot on the forest floor, under some leaves or beneath a log. The frogs arm themselves with antifreeze to protect their body tissues. The antifreeze is really glucose, a natural body sugar. This prevents the formation of ice crystals just like windshield washer antifreeze does in a car. The North American Wood Frog belongs to a small group of animals that are freeze tolerant. As the temperature drops below freezing each winter, the Wood Frog finds a comfy spot on the forest floor, under some leaves or beneath a log. The frogs arm themselves with antifreeze to protect their body tissues. The antifreeze is really glucose, a natural body sugar. This prevents the formation of ice crystals just like windshield washer antifreeze does in a car.

Wood Frog Facts (continued ) Wood frogs are found through most of Canada and are all over Manitoba. Wood frogs are brown in colour but can vary from olive green to almost black. They have a black triangle mask around their eyes. They grow to 2 ½ to 3 inches long. Wood frogs mate and lay eggs in the spring in temporary ponds that last long enough for the tadpoles to change to froglets – 8 to 10 weeks. Each female lays 1000 eggs in a round bunch on plants floating on top of the water. Wood frogs eat insects, worms and small animals without backbones. They are eaten by garter snakes, birds, and some mammals. Wood frogs make a sound like a duck. They are nick-named robber frogs.

Conclusion We hope you enjoyed learning about the Wood Frog. We found out that it sounds like a duck and it’s nickname is the Robber Frog. We had fun working on this project because it was somewhat challenging. We hope you enjoyed learning about the Wood Frog. We found out that it sounds like a duck and it’s nickname is the Robber Frog. We had fun working on this project because it was somewhat challenging.

Seance Nous esperons que vous vous amusez a apprendre autour de la grenouille wood frog. Onus decouvrons que cette grenouille ressemble comme un canard et son sur nom est la voleur grenouille. Onus mous amusons a travailler sur cette projet parce-que c’est un peu stimulant. Nous esperons que vous vous amusez a apprendre autour de la grenouille wood frog. Onus decouvrons que cette grenouille ressemble comme un canard et son sur nom est la voleur grenouille. Onus mous amusons a travailler sur cette projet parce-que c’est un peu stimulant.

Bibliography es/amphibian/1Txfrwo.html es/amphibian/1Txfrwo.html es/amphibian/1Txfrwo.html es/amphibian/1Txfrwo.html Newspaper article February 4, 2001 Newspaper article February 4, 2001