L’alphabet français. Aa comme abeille “Ah” Bb comme bateau “Bé”


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Transcription de la présentation:

L’alphabet français

Aa comme abeille “Ah”

Bb comme bateau “Bé”

Cc comme crayon “Cé”

Dd comme drapeau “Dé”

Ee comme escargot “Euh”

Ff comme fleur “Effe”

Gg comme guitare “Gé”

Hh comme hibou “hache” Salut…

Ii comme igloo “Ee”

Jj comme jean “Ji”

Kk comme kangourou “Ka”

Ll comme lit “Elle”

Mm comme maison “Emme”

Nn comme nounours “Enne”

Oo comme oiseau “O”

Pp comme poisson “Pé”

Qq comme quinze “Ku”

Rr comme reine “Erre”

Ss comme singe “Esse”

Tt comme tasse “Té”

Uu comme uniforme “U”

Vv comme violon “Vé”

Ww comme webcam “Double vé”

Xx comme xylophone “Ixe”

Yy comme yaourt “I grec”

Zz comme zèbre “Zède”

Épelez-moi! (Spell me!) 1. Piedmont 2. Charlotte 3. You know! 4. Jacques 5. Serge

Devoirs: Do some research! Spell out the names of three important French people (either historically or of present day importance). Briefly tell me why they are important (in English). Spell out the names of three French monuments. Give me a brief summary of their importance.

Billet à partir! Write and spell out five words that have 6-7 letters (or more). English OR French. You cannot leave until you are all SILENT and spell your word correctly. You cannot have the same word as the first two people in front of you.

zèro 0



Cognate A word that is the same in two languages. Same spelling, same meaning, but could have a different pronunciation.

Instructions Write down 10 cognates that you find in the dictionary Check them on the lists in the front of the room Choose five that are easy to draw Write the words BIG on your slips of paper (I would use pencil first) and draw a picture that represents that word using markers Write your name and your block on the back of your paper