Blocs 8x8 BM.5-b8 Image Ref. VOP-50 VOP-55’ VOP-55
Prédiction d’images Image P: ou Projection Projection vers l'arrière vers l’avant Trame précédente Trame courante Trame future Image P Trame de référence Trame prédite
Image B: + Projection Projection vers l'arrière vers l’avant Trame précédente Trame B Trame future
the total number of blocks is 396. VER ARTICULO DE PCS PARA RESULTADOS Y COMENTARIOS fFigure 2. The blocks have been ordered according to the gain in term of PSRN reduction. The x axis represents the number of blocks which have a PSNR reduction at least equal to the corresponding value of the y axis. For CIF sequences, the total number of blocks is 396.
With Block Matching With NPR model dFigure 3.The marked blocks shows where the NPM model gives a gain of more than 1dB compared to the trasnational model.
With Block Matching With NPR model