From Gospel to Hip Hop: Rock 3DP6


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From Gospel to Hip Hop: Rock 3DP6 HISTOIRE DES ARTS From Gospel to Hip Hop: Rock 3DP6

Sam Phillips was a Memphis music producer who wanted to introduce the black rhythm and blues sound to white audiences. To do this he needed a white man who could sing the black style. Sam Phillips was a Memphis music producer who wanted to introduce the black rhythm and blues sound to white audiences. To do this he needed a white man who could sing the black style. B Sam Philips avait besoin d’un chanteur blanc pour faire découvrir la musique noire aux blancs. A Sam Philips avait besoin d’un chanteur noir pour faire découvrir la musique blanche aux noirs.

Which words are illustrated? When he met the young Elvis Presley, Sam Phillips could see his potential immediately: he could sing country, gospel and blues with equal ease. C A D B

In 1954, Presley was having fun with musicians and started singing a black rhythm and blues song called ‘That’s alright Mama’ in an exaggerated, high speed manner that mixed country influence with blues. He had invented Rockabilly. In 1954, Presley was having fun with musicians and started singing a black rhythm and blues song called ‘That’s alright Mama’ in an exaggerated, high speed manner that mixed country influence with blues. He had invented Rockabilly. A Elvis Presley a beaucoup étudié la musique noire et la musique country, presque exagérément, pour inventer le rockabilly (le premier rock des années 50-60) B Elvis Presley a inventé le rockabilly (le premier rock des années 50-60) par hasard, en s’amusant à mélanger le blues et la musique country. Elvis Presley: Arthur Crudup:

Elvis Presley was a combination of vocal talent, good looks and scandalous dance moves. His music divided the country in two groups: the older generation who were shocked, and the young who loved his music. The age of rock, of youth rebellion expressed through music, had begun. Elvis Presley was a combination of vocal talent, good looks and scandalous dance moves. His music divided the country in two groups: the older generation who were shocked, and the young who loved his music. The age of rock, of youth rebellion expressed through music, had begun. A Elvis a eu du succès auprès des jeunes qui appréciaient son physique et n’étaient pas choqués par sa façon de danser. B Elvis a eu du succès auprès des personnes plus âgées qui aimaient sa belle voix mais craignaient que ses chanson ne poussent les jeunes à la rébellion.

A B Today, Elvis’ home Graceland is visited by around one million people every year. They can see his stage costumes and gold discs, his jewels and his car collection and two airplanes. Elvis himself is buried in the garden. C F D E

Music style Origin /Date Place Instruments Characteristics People ROCK AND ROLL 1954 Country+ rhythm& blues Memphis, Te Youth Rebellion Scandalous dancing Elvis Presley