The Delos Model For Business Integration


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Transcription de la présentation:

The Delos Model For Business Integration Quality Data People Measures Improvement Innovation Vision Strategy Prioritisation Demand Support Supply Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model.

Le Modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré Culture et Compétences Mesures de Performances Améliorations Exactitude des Données Innovation Vision Stratégie Harmonisation Demande Support Fourniture Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model.

Le Modèle Delos de Pilotage de l’Amélioration Agile Qualité Lean Culture et Compétences Mesures de Performances Améliorations Vision Stratégie Harmonisation Innovation Demande Support Fourniture Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model.

Le Modèle Delos de Pilotage de l’Amélioration Lean Culture et Compétences Mesures de Performances Améliorations Vision Agile Qualité Stratégie Harmonisation Demande Fourniture Innovation Support Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model. Le Modèle Delos de Pilotage de l’Amélioration

Le Modèle Delos de Pilotage du Changement RCE Écart à la cible C O N D U I T F O U R N I T Modèle d’Entreprise Éliminer les Obstacles Modèle de Changement

Les constituants de l'excellence industrielle CULTURE/ ATTITUDES Le secret de la réussite : Travailler en équipe. Définir des processus centrés sur les clients. Utiliser intelligemment des outils standards. MODES DE TRAVAIL TECHNOLOGIE Si on redessine le modèle de 'Business Excellence' pour le voir de profil, vous pourriez le voir ainsi. Avec une hiérarchie dans l'importance des éléments, si vous voulez. Au plus haut niveau o trouve des hommes qui travaillent pou ajouter de la valeur et produire des biens ou des services. Ce modèle aide à exppliquer pourquoi des biens et des services peuvent être produits en absence de processus et d'outls ou de logiciels. Ce sont les hommes qui font. Si on peut suppoerter les hommes avec des processus excellents puis leur donner le bon support technologique ou d'information, alors il devient possible d'atteindre un premier niveau de Business Excellence. Mieux on poura intégrer les trois composantes, meilleur on sera dans le Business Excellence. Souvent, les entreprisent mettent ce modèle à l'envers. Ils mettent en place un outil et en attendent un résultat immédiat alors qu'ils ont ignoré les deux éléments les plus importants du 'Business Excellence'.

The Delos Partnership Une équipe Gordon Hammond Rod Clarke Richard Watkins Mike Stradling Plus 15 partenaires : Tim Waddington Steve Kingdon-Saxby Malcolm Boddy Andrew Ramsbottom Steve Wilson Paul Warrick Gordon Barker Andrew Sinclair ….. Paul Warrick Gilles Lauga Philippe Crapart

Philippe Crapart Diplômé de l’ESSEC, titulaire d’un DES de Droit des Affaires, coach formé par Mediat-Coaching, Philippe Crapart a choisi de rejoindre The DELOS PARTNERSHIP en 2003. Il a donc créé sa propre structure de conseil, de formation et de coaching, en capitalisant sur 25 années d’expérience de la direction générale d’entreprises industrielles, en France et en Europe. Son expertise de l’excellence industrielle date du début des années 90 : Il dirigeait alors une PMI, filiale française du Groupe belge DIAMANT BOART, et a conduit cette entreprise à la certification « Classe A », dans les domaines Production à Délai Court, Juste à temps et Management Participatif. Il a ensuite dirigé successivement la division Construction Europe du Groupe DIAMANT BOART, puis la division Location de matériels de Manutention Europe, et enfin la division Services Sidérurgiques France du Groupe Australien BRAMBLES, leader mondial du service industriel. Dans ces différentes fonctions, il a eu l’occasion de concevoir et mettre en œuvre avec succès plusieurs plans stratégiques, de développer des politiques nouvelles en matière de gestion de la relation client, de marketing, ou de lancement de nouveaux produits. Philippe Crapart a pour ambition de mettre son expérience de la gestion du changement au service des entreprises auprès desquelles il intervient. Son objectif premier est de contribuer activement à la mise en place et au pilotage des processus permettant d’obtenir des résultats mesurables et durables. Il accompagne la démarche sur le terrain en utilisant le coaching, méthode qui garantit des solutions rapides et une efficacité accrue. Philippe Crapart enseigne et conseille en Français et Anglais.

Gilles Lauga Depuis 1989 Gilles Lauga aide les entreprises de ses clients à intégrer toutes leurs facettes en un processus de pilotage intégré. Il a aussi aidé un grand nombre d’entreprises à trouver l’équilibre entre leurs actions d’amélioration et de maîtrise par la planification, augmentant ainsi leur efficacité. Ses clients sont entre autres ICI Agrochemical, Astra-Zeneca, Salomon (du groupe Addidas), Legrand, Snecma Moteurs, Diamant-Boart, Arnould, De Dietrich Process Systems, Rosenmund, Snecma Propulsion Solide, Flowserve, Eldon. Tous ont réalisé des progrès importants, spécialement en ce qui concerne le service client et la productivité globale. Nombre d’entre-eux sont reconnus comme des références auprès de leurs confrères. Gilles Lauga a commencé à construire son expérience dans la recherche de l’excellence des entreprises industrielles en 1980 quand il a rejoint la société américaine Norton (maintenant groupe Saint Gobain) Division des Produits pour la Construction à Luxembourg. Il a atteint le niveau 'Classe A' certifié deux années de suite par des expertises externes. Le site a reçu le ‘Norton Chairman’s Award’ annuel pour les résultats exceptionnels de son projet. Au travers des investissements et de ce projet, les cycles de fabrication ont été réduits de trois mois à moins de trois jours. Pendant la même période les coûts ont baissé et la qualité s’est améliorée permettant à l’entreprise de gagner d’importantes parts de marché. Avant de s’associer à quelques confrères dans le groupe Delos, Gilles Lauga a passé dix ans comme conseil indépendant, partenaire du groupe Oliver Wight. Les missions citées ci-dessus ont été, dans leur très grande majorité, exécutées sous la forme de conseil et de formation vendus par sa société Gilles Lauga Conseil SARL. Il a aidé ces entreprises à apprendre comment capturer la voix des clients pour développer leur stratégie et leurs produits. Il a guidé des entreprises dans des programmes ‘Lean’ et d’amélioration continue classique. Il a accompagné des clients dans leur démarche de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise. Il a travaillé dans une grande variété d’environnements : chimie, pharmacie, horlogerie, équipement de sport, biens d’équipement lourds, espace et défense. Il a conduit ses clients à intégrer le développement et la fabrication dans les environnements de défense et de biens d’équipement, permettant à ses clients de distancer leurs concurrents. Gilles Lauga enseigne et conseille en Français, Espagnol et Anglais. Il est certifié CFPIM par l’APICS.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Étape 7 Étape 1 A C T I O N Analyse Innovation Étape 2 Étape 5 Étape 6 Analyse Demande Analyse Support Analyse Globale Direction Générale Étape 4 Étape 3 This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain. Analyse Fourniture Semaine 1 Semaine 2 Semaine 3 Semaine 4

Backup slide : IEP and Deming Cycle 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. A C T I O N Innovation Review Demand Review Support Review Priority Review Senior Team Review Supply Review

Backup slide : IEP and Deming Cycle

Backup slide : PDCA/DMAIC/DMADV IEP is a permanent 6 sigma process!

Pilotage Intégré Multi-niveau B A C NIVEAU 3 Europe/ Global HQ Innovation Priorités Financières Analyse Groupe Supply Review Analyse Fourniture New Activity Review Innovation Consolidated Recocniliation Priorités Financières Analyse Dirigeants NIVEAU 2 Région/ Business Unit Demand Planning Clients NIVEAU 1 Pays/ Marché Semaine 1 Semaine 2 Semaine 3 Semaine 4

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Innovation : Tout ce qui provoque un changement important dans l’entreprise. Nouveau produit Nouveau procédé Nouveau marché Nouvelle organisation Nouvel outil de support … Et nécessite de mobiliser des ressources dans plusieurs secteurs de l’entreprise en concurrence avec les activités opérationnelles. This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Demande : Tout type de demande sur l’horizon de pilotage stratégique et opérationnel de l’entreprise. Officines Hôpitaux Inter-groupe ONG Demande non commerciale Validations industrielles Recherche Affaires réglementaires … Avec l’optimisation des ressources de distribution et la mutualisation des risques de variation sur la demande. This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Fourniture : Planification des ressources opérationnelles sur l’ensemble de l’horizon avec prise en compte de l’ensemble de la Demande. Vracs Semi finis Conditionnement … Et prise en compte de l’évolution des moyens. Amélioration continue Nouveaux procédés Transferts This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Support : Implications des plans opérationnels sur : Ressources Humaines Compétences Disponibilités Sécurité … Finance Trésorerie Coûts des produits Sécurité sanitaire Bâtiments Environnement This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Analyse globale : Évaluation par les responsables opérationnels et de support de : La nouvelle situation Les options possibles Leurs risques et opportunités … Et préparation de recommandations à destination de la Direction générale : Point sur les 7 indicateurs clés Projections opérationnelles Plans d’actions correctives et recommandations valorisées Dates limites de prise de décision This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle Delos de Pilotage Intégré de l’Entreprise Direction Générale : Évaluation de la situation générale et des recommandations : Point de vue stratégique Point de vue opérationnel et financier … Demandes d’analyses complémentaires et décisions d’actions : Stratégiques Opérationnelles Financières This is the process in itself, it shows the time dimension. This is not a one shot process, it is a continuous model. This is a Deming Cycle or Shewart Cycle type process. 1. Plan: Recognize an opportunity, and plan the change. 2. Do: Test the change. 3. Check: Review the test, analyze the results and identify learnings. 4. Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step. If the change was successful, incorporate the learnings from the test into wider changes. If not, go through the cycle again with a different plan. It requires a long horizon in order to see problems sufficiently in advance and resolve properly through several circles. One can draw this image on the Paperboard to explain.

Le modèle du Changement Delos Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer É V A L U A T I O N Formation É V A L U A T I O N Stratégie et Conception Fixation et Mesure des Objectifs Organisation Systèmes

Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer Comprendre Mobiliser Développer Communiquer Évaluer

Plan Type de Mise en Œuvre Comprendre Mobiliser Concevoir Communiquer Évaluer Expertise Initiale Processus de Pilotage Intégré Expertise Finale Vision du projet Processus Amélioration Continue Par pilotes des processus Redéfinition Organisation Du Projet Processus de Planification et Contrôle Généralisation du changement Justification Financière Qualité des Données Pilote réel du changement Systèmes d’information Pilote Informatique Objectifs de Performances Mesures de Performances Formation Initiale Formation de Base Externe Formation de Base Interne Pilote en Salle Formation Généralisée Et Permanente -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Durée approximative en mois

Le modèle Delos des Entreprises Industrielles Gestion de la Demande Demande Dépendante Plan des ventes Demande Indépendante Mesures de Performances Fourniture Support Innovation Vision Harmonisation Stratégie Demande Marketing Opérationnel Grands Comptes Force de Vente Gestion de Programme CRM Prévisions de Vente Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model. Support Client D.R.P.

Le modèle Delos des Entreprises Industrielles Gestion de l’Innovation Mesures de Performances Fourniture Support Innovation Vision Harmonisation Stratégie Demande Innovation Produit Innovation Processus Innovation Business Devt. Gestion de Programme Marketing Stratégique Projets Spéciaux Dévelop- pements Recherche Task Forces Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model. Gestion Multi-projet Exécution

Le modèle Delos des Entreprises Industrielles Gestion de la Fourniture Mesures de Performances Fourniture Support Innovation Vision Harmonisation Stratégie Demande Charges Critiques Plan de Fourniture Charges Globales P.D.P. Achats Charges Détaillées C.B.N. Delos business model recognises 4 major processes in a company : Demand, including forecast, sales, operational marketing, distribution, outgoing transportation, quotes, biddings, etc. Innovation, including all major changes, linked to strategy i.e.: new product, new technology, new distribution channel, new supply network, new management process, etc. Includes devoted resources: strategic marketing, research and technology, change management supporting group, task forces… Supply, including internal and external supply (purchasing), production of quality documents when they are part of the product (pharmacy, A&D, nuclear, …) Support, including all other functions, i.e.: finance, QA/QC, maintenance, MRO purchasing, HR, legal, … It also recognises there is a need for prioritisation, a monthly process where all 4 processes are balanced (harmonised, synchronised, adjusted, …) versus: external and internal changes, and gap to the strategy. This answers totally to the Michael Porter strategic equation model. (draw on paperboard) Strategy is Driving the business towards the vision, this is why vision to strategy is a one way arrow also meaning that vision is a driver for strategy. Performance Measurement is the most powerful driver for people’s attitude, it sets the objective and recognises progresses. It is also one of management’s rationale for decision making. This is why it must be a unique set binding Business Model. Ordo. et Suivi Exec Appros.

Groupe Spécialisé Supports transverses Équipe de projet Comité de Pilotage Pilotage du projet Sponsor